Section 10 - Wheels & Tires

CAUTION-Do not disturb the leveling plate during this operation.
With the indicator hub still raised, it will be found that the little brass pin which actuates the
the scale. After the amount of weight has been determined, it must be remembered that one-half of the required weight is placed on the underside of the rim and the other one-half of the weight placed 180° away (opposite) and on the upper side of the rim. Correcting weights must be accurately divided in order to retain the static balance of the assembly.
Place one-half the amount of weight needed at the chalked position on the lower side of the rim. Place exactly the same amount of weight directly opposite (180°) the chalk mark, but on the upper side of the rim. Be sure the weights are tapped on securely as the tire bead rusted to the rim some­times prevents complete contact.
In order to make sure that the wheel is in per­fect dynamic balance, recheck for accuracy in accordance with the procedure outlined above. Should the pointer indicate that the wheel is still unbalanced, it is evident that incorrect weight was used to balance the wheel. If the pointer is at the extreme low position directly below the lower weight, it indicates that too much weight was used. Should the pointer be at the high position directly under the lower weight, it indicates insufficient weight. Should any changes in weight be found necessary, it is suggested that the wheel again be rechecked for accuracy after corrections have been made.
There may be some cases where it is necessary to statically balance rear wheels to correct a hop­ping condition at the rear end. To do this, the rear wheels may be adapted to the static arbor by use of face plates, or used in conjunction with a perfectly balanced front wheel hub and brake drum assembly.
Fig. 13-Setting Indicator Pointer to "O"
pointer on the indicator hub is in contact with the leveling plate. Now, revolve the wheel slowly by hand until the pointer on the indicator reaches its lowest position. Then set the scale so that the end of the pointer reads on "0," Fig. 13.
Turn the wheel 180° (1/2 way), and read the total number of graduations that the pointer moves upward on the scale. At this position (the high point) chalk the tire directly above the pointer, but on the underside of the wheel. We are now ready to attach the weights.
The amount of weight required varies according to the size and weight of the wheel assembly. Heavy wheels require more weight than light wheels. Chevrolet wheels require about 1 ounce of weight for each graduation mark indicated on
June 1941
Static Electricity in Automobiles
June 1941
White Sidewall Tire Cleaning
September 1941
Static Electricity in Automobiles





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