Section 11 - Chassis Sheet Metal

At each outer end of the splash guard, behind fender, remove 3 hex head sheet metal bolts. Along each side vertical flange of lower baffle, under fender, remove 3 hex head sheet metal bolts-these bolts attach the lower baffle to each radiator side baffle.
corners of each front fender.
Replacement operations are the reverse of the
The front fender cap, or that part of the fender extending into the front doors, is a separate, easily adjustable part, attached to the front door outer panel, and swings with the door when opened, Fig. 10. This part, being a separate unit from the door panel proper, provides for easy service in the event of damage.
Very rigid fender mounting is the result of sup­porting each front fender directly on the top of the vertical baffles. The three baffles involved are the radiator side baffle, the side baffle extending from the cowl forward to the radiator support, and the fender rear baffle which extends from the side of the cowl to the rear outer vertical skirt of the fend­er. Fig. 11.
Fender Replacement
To remove a front fender, proceed as follows:
1. Remove grille assembly. Loosen body sill mold­ing from the front end back to rear of front door. Disconnect hood hinge spring at lower
Pig. 10-Fender Cap Movement When Doer Is Opened
3. On each side remove the lower radiator side baffle bolt to the radiator support-this bolt on each side also holds the lower baffle at each side of the radiator support. Pull lower baffle and splash guard forward and down to clear
Fig. 11-Sheet Metal Baffles-Fender Removed





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