Section 1 Body

FS-655 rubber cement, allow cement to dry for four or five minutes, then assemble the new rubber gasket and press it down into the channel all around. Be sure the gasket surface against which the cover seals, and the sealing surface of the cover, are clean and absolutely free of any traces of cement, oil or any substance which might cause the cover to stick to the gasket.
Concealed body entrance steps, covered with rubber step mats, are located at the outer edge of the body floor at each door opening.
Starting at a point just forward of the center outer edge of each front step, a detachable plate is used to carry the body sill line and sill molding outward and forward to conform with the contour of the front fender cap on each front door. Fig 38.
A recess at the outer edge of this plate, in line with the front part of the door opening, serves as a convenient foot scraper. Fig. 39.
This detachable plate also provides a means of reaching the front fender cap bolts to the front door panel, to permit any necessary alignment adjustment of these caps with the front fender.
Step Plate Removal
1.   Release the body sill molding from the front end of the front fender skirt back to a point in line with the rear of the front door opening.
2.   Remove the bolts extending horizontally through the step plate into the body floor, and the bolt at the front outer edge of the step to the front fender skirt. These bolts are accessible after releasing the sill molding.
3.   Remove the three screws along the inner edge of the foot scraper trim plate to the body floor. The step plate is now free and may be removed.
With this plate removed. Fig. 40, and the front door closed, all bolts attaching the front fender cap to the door may be reached through this open­ing from the underside of the car.
Fig. 38-Detachable Front Step Plate
Fig. 40-Front Step Plate Removed
Step plate replacement operations are the re­verse of the foregoing.
Step Mat Removal
1.   Remove the two slotted head screws holding the center section of the mat to the step. Three screws are used on some passenger cars having longer steps such as on the Areosedan.
2.   Using a putty knife or wide blade screwdriver along the inner edge of the mat at the door sill plate, pry this inner edge straight up from the step. When this edge is up sufficiently, use one hand to pull upward along this edge while pushing the outer edge of the mat straight in horizontally toward the body, to free the catches on the underside of the mat along the outer edge, Fig. 41.
Fig. 39-Foot Scraper in Front Step Plate





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