Section 12 - Electrical System

An iron armature which carries one of the regu­lator points is mounted over the magnet core, and is hinged to the regulator body. The other point is mounted to the regulator body. Two coil springs are attached between the armature and body to hold the regulator points closed when the regula­tor is not operating.
Two field resistance units are mounted on the regulator. However, only the lower resistance unit functions with the voltage regulator. One end of this resistance is connected to field (F) terminal of the regulator and the other end is grounded, Fig. 14.
hold the regulator points closed when the regula­tor is not operating.
The two field resistance units function in parallel with the current regulator. One end of each resist­ance is connected to the field (F) terminal of the regulator. The other end of the lower resistance is grounded directly, while the other end of the upper resistance is connected to the current regu­lator armature and grounds through the voltage regulator points when the current regulator points are open.
The positive wire from the generator is con­nected to the generator (GEN) terminal of the regulator: and the field terminal of the generator is connected to the field (F) terminal of the regu­lator. The wire from the battery through the am­meter to the battery (BAT) terminal of the regu­lator. These connections are shown in Fig. 16.
F|q, 14-Regulator Resistance Units
The current regulator unit consists of an iron core, over which is wound a few turns of com paratively large wire. One end of this winding is connected to the generator (GEN) terminal of the regulator and the other end is connected to the series winding of the circuit breaker. This winding is known as a series winding because it is con­nected in series with the generator armature and all the charging current must pass through it as shown in Fig. 15.
Fig. 16-Generator and Regulator Circuit Diagram
This describes the construction and hook-up of the generator and regulator.
When the engine is started, current for the field circuit flows from the positive brush through the shunt field windings to the F terminal of the gen­erator, through the wire to the F terminal of the regulator, thence through the series winding on the voltage regulator core, across the current regulator points to the voltage regulator points to ground and back to the grounded negative brush of the generator, completing the field circuit, Fig. 17.
Fig. 15-Current Regulator Series Coil
An iron armature which carries one of the regu­lator points is mounted over the magnet core, and is hinged to the regulator body. The other point is mounted to the regulator body. Two coil springs are attached between the armature and body to





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