Section 12 - Electrical System

be from 6.3 to 6.7 volts. Slowly decrease the engine speed, noting the discharge current necessary to open the circuit breaker points. This should be from 0 to 4 amperes.
The closing voltage of the circuit breaker may be adjusted by bending the spring post up to in­crease the spring tension and closing voltage, and down to decrease the spring tension and closing voltage, Fig. 22.
2. POINT OPENING-The opening between the points should be .020". Bend the upper arma­ture stop up to increase the point opening and down to decrease the point opening.
After making the above adjustments, the clos­ing voltage and opening amperage should be rechecked and necessary adjustments made.
When checking the current regulator adjustment, it is necessary to remove the regulator cover and connect a jumper lead from the voltage regulator upper point support bracket to the armature. This shorts the voltage regulator points and prevents them from operating while the current regulator is being checked, Fig. 24.
Fig. 22-Circuit Breaker Spring Post
After making the above adjustments, if the re­verse current necessary to open the points is not within the limits of 0 to 4 amperes, the following adjustments should be checked:
1. AIR GAP-Place finger on armature directly above core and move armature down until points just close. Then measure the air gap be­tween the armature and center of core, which should be .020". If both sets of points do not close at the same instant, bend spring fingers so both sets meet simultaneously.
To adjust the air gap, loosen the two screws at the back of the circuit breaker and raise or lower the armature as required. Tighten screws securely after adjustment. Fig. 23.
Fig. 24-Volt Animator Connections for Checking Currant Regulator
Remove the battery wire from the battery ter­minal of the regulator and connect the positive lead of the ammeter to the battery terminal of the regulator and the negative lead to the battery wire. Make sure that the ammeter resistance knob is turned to the out position, turn on lights, radio, and other electrical accessories to prevent battery overcharge. Increase the engine speed until output remains constant. The current setting with the unit at operating temperature should be from 34 to 36 amperes.
NOTE -The engine should be run at medium speed at least ten minutes before making any checks or adjustments on the regulator. This is necessary to bring the regulator up to operat­ing temperature.
Fig. 23-Air Gap Adjusting Screws





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