Section 12 - Electrical System

in both the left and right hand headlamps are identical and cannot be installed improperly, nor can the electrical connections be attached in any but the right way. The filaments are very accu­rately prefocused in these units with respect to the reflector and their position cannot be changed. This feature makes it such that when replacing a unit the new unit will take substantially the same aim as before.
with a light colored vertical screen 25 feet ahead. For best road lighting results, draw a horizontal line on this surface at the level of a point 3" below the headlamp center. If, however, the State re­quires a loading allowance, draw this horizontal line below the above mentioned line, by the amount required by the particular State. Sight through the center of the rear window over the center of the radiator ornament and so determine a point on the horizontal line midway between the headlamps. Draw vertical lines through points at the right and left of this center point directly ahead of the center of each headlamp. On cars equipped with a divided
Fig. 71-Removing Headlamp Retaining Ring Screws
1.   Remove headlamp rim, Fig. 70.
2.   Remove the three screws holding retaining ring, Fig. 71. (Do not disturb aiming screws.)
3.   Remove retaining ring by rotating counter­clockwise, allowing sealed beam unit to be re­moved.
4.   Remove connector plug from sealed beam unit. Fig. 72.
5.    Install new sealed beam unit by reversing above operations.
To obtain the maximum results in road illumina­tion and the safety that has been built into the headlighting equipment, the headlamps must be properly aimed. Place the car on a level stretch
Fig. 72-Disconnecting Connector Plug
windshield, it is necessary to locate a point on the horizontal line by sighting past the left edge of the center division and then past the right edge. A point midway between these two points represents the center line of the car on the screen from which lines directly ahead of the headlamp centers can be located. Figure 73 shows the recommended head­lamp aiming chart with the left headlamp properly aimed.
Place the dimmer switch in the position which produces the country (upper) beam (bright light). When the country (upper) beam is lighted the lower filaments on both lamps are illuminated.





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