Section 12 - Electrical System

The Cabriolet folding top operating mechanism is controlled by two reversible electric motors, one for each side. These motors operate in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction depend­ing upon whether the top is being raised or lowered.
The field current is controlled through two mag­netic switches, one for raising and the other for lowering the top, which in turn are actuated by a push button switch on the left end of the instru­ment panel.
Pressing the "Up" push button switch closes the "Up" magnetic switch which sends the field cur­rent to the operating motors to raise the top. Press­ing the "Down" push button switch closes the "Down" magnetic switch sending the field current to the operating motors so as to reverse their direc­tion of rotation and lower the top.
The motors are located one in each rear quarter, concealed behind the quarter trim and arm rest.
Fig. 76-Layout of Parking Lamp Parts
The lens and frame, or rim, is attached by two slotted head sleeve nuts on the outer ends of the studs. Figure 76 is a layout of the parking lamp parts. Each parking light wire passes from the light body through a cut-out in each radiator side baffle and is connected to the junction block at the top of the side baffle just back of the radiator core.
The dual horns used on passenger cars are con­cealed behind each front fender, and are individu­ally mounted to brackets riveted to each radiator side baffle at a point close to the radiator support. Two hex. nuts, on studs which are a part of each horn, attach each horn to the bracket. Fig. 77.
Fig. 77-Passenger Car Horn Location and Mounting
Horn removal or replacement may be made by removing the radiator top baffle covered under grille removal in the Sheet Metal Section of this manual.
Fig. 78-Cabriolet Left Top Motor and Magnetic Switch Unit





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