Section 3  - Front Suspension, Axle & Springs

4. Continue to screw the pivot pin until it con­tacts the rear lower control arm. Proceed carefully at this point. If the threads on the pin and in the control arm index properly, continue to screw the pin into the control arm
may be slipped off the rear end of the bushing with the fingers. This method of installing the seals prevents any possibility of damaging them during assembly operations.
1.   Disconnect the stabilizer link from the lower spring seat and perform the operations for re­moving the front spring, as previously described in this section.
NOTE—As a matter of safety, it is good policy to place a stand jack under the front cross member while proceeding with this operation.
2.   Remove the lower control arm pivot pin. This frees the entire lower control arm assembly from the car so that it may be taken to the bench for further operations.
3.   Place the lower control arm and spring seat assembly in a vise and remove the front and rear lower control arm shaft bushings, Fig. 9.
Fig. 6—Position of Neoprene Seals Before Installing Pivot Pin
until its head seats firmly against the front lower control arm. However, if the threads do not index, and the control arms are being spread by the pivot pin, place a "C" clamp
Fig. 7—Indexing Threads on Lower Pivot Pin and Rear Arm
on the control arms and compress the arms
slightly, trying the threads as you pro­ceed, Fig. 7. It will be found that very little compression will allow the threads to index properly with­out spreading the arms or binding the pivot pin.
5. With a hook made of stiff wire, slip the front Neoprene seal around the end of control arm and into
Fig. 9—Removing Lower Control Arm Shaft Bushings
4.   Then shift the lower control arm shaft assem­bly as far as possible toward the bushing hole in either lower control arm, this will allow the opposite end of the shaft assembly to clear the hole in the other arm. The lower control arm shaft assembly can now be removed from the assembly.
5.   While the lower control arm shaft and bracket assembly is removed, it is good policy to check the rivets holding the front and rear control arms to the spring seat for looseness.
its seat, Fig. 8. The rear Neoprene seal
Fig. 8—Positioning Neoprene Seal at Lower Pivot Pin





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