Section 3  - Front Suspension, Axle & Springs

3.   Hold the knuckle support in the center of the control arm yoke; start the rear bushing in the control arm and on the pivot pin. Then tighten the bushing securely and check to make sure the knuckle support is still in the center of the yoke.
4,   Now start the front bushing on the pivot pin and screw it in until there is a clearance of from .020" to .040" between the hex head of the bushing and the upper control arm, Fig. 14.
NOTE—This clearance must be maintained to prevent binding the threads on the pivot pin.
The upper control arms and shock absorber assembly will be serviced as a unit only, because the control arms are pressed on to the shock ab­sorber shaft and then the two arms are electrically welded to form a rigid yoke for the upper end of the knuckle support.
Follow the instructions for removing the upper control arm pivot pin; then remove the nuts and lock washers from the three shock absorber mount­ing bolts and remove the shock absorber and upper control arm assembly.
NOTE—For shock absorber valve information and filling instructions refer to "Section 2" in this shop manual under "Parallel Double-Acting" Type Shock Absorbers.
Place the new upper control arm and shock absorber assembly over the mounting bolts. Install lock washers and nuts and tighten securely. Com­plete the reassembly by following instructions given for replacing upper control arm pivot pin.
1.   Place a jack under the spring seat, raising the car off the floor and remove the wheel and tire assembly.
2.   Remove the kingpin lock pin; then remove the kingpin bearing plug covers and lock rings from each end of the steering knuckle.
3.   Remove the kingpin bearing plugs. This can be done with a sharp drift punch by driving through the lower plug and forcing the kingpin upward until the upper plug is removed, Fig. 16. The kingpin may then be removed by driving it but at the bottom, using a soft steel drift.
4.   Remove steering knuckle and thrust bearing from the knuckle support and remove the floating bushings from the knuckle.
When replacing the floating kingpin bushings it is not necessary to ream them to size as service bushings are machined to finished dimensions. However, when replacing floating bushings care should be used to make sure the oil groove in the bushing lines up with the lubrication fitting in the steering knuckle. These bushings should be free
Fig. 14—Clearance Between Head of Bushing and Front Arm
5. Using a wire hook, slip the Neoprene seals over the ends of the control arms and into their seats,
Fig. 15—Positioning Neoprene Seals at Upper Pivot Pin
Fig. 15; then install the lock clamp bolt in the front control arm.
6. Replace the wheel and tire assembly. Remove the stand jack and lower the car to the floor.
Any time the upper pivot pin is removed it will be necessary to readjust the caster and camber.





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