Section 3  - Front Suspension, Axle & Springs

Fig. 19-Wheels Set OUT 20 deg.
The caster in each wheel is checked independ­ently. The first operation in checking caster after the height gauge has been installed is to turn the wheel out, so that when the contact bar engages the tire the pointer will be on the 20 degree mark on the radius scale, as shown in Fig. 19. Then turn the contact bar to the vertical position and move it in to contact the tire. In this position loosen the movable caster scale and set it on "0," tightening the adjusting nut securely, Fig. 20. Now turn the wheels in so that when the contact bar, in the horizontal position, engages the tire the pointer will
Fig. 21-Wheels Set IN 20 degrees
be on the 20 degree mark on the opposite end of the radius scale, as shown in Fig. 21. Again turn the contact bar to the vertical position and engage the tire. Now look at the caster scale. The pointer will indicate the degree of caster. Repeat these same operations on the other wheel to determine its degree of caster. Make a note of the caster readings on each wheel for reference when making adjust­ments. The caster angle should be 0 degrees plus or minus 1/2 degree.
Before actually making a camber check, raise the car with a jack until the wheels clear the turn­tables. Spin the wheel and use a piece of chalk against the sidewalls of the tire to locate the run­out of the wheel. Then with the chalk mark on the tire in the vertical position, contact the tire with the contact bar in the horizontal position; then bump the tire lightly until the pointer on the toe-in scale is on "0." Turn the wheel and tire around 180 degrees and recheck. If the pointer still remains on "0," we have found the point of mean run-out on the tire and this is the point at which both camber and toe-in checks should be made. Mark this location on the tire with chalk; lower the car on the turntables with the chalk mark in the vertical position; install the camber checking contact arm on the contact bar with the cut-back of this arm at the bottom, Fig. 22. The purpose of the relieved portion of the contact arm is to compensate for tire bulge at the bottom due to the weight of the car. While checking camber the tip of this contact arm should rest on the turn­tables. With the contact bar in the vertical position
Fig. 20—Setting Caster Scale to Zero





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