Section 3  - Front Suspension, Axle & Springs

leveling plate against the pins on the indicator as shown in Fig. 25. This puts the indicator pointer in a vertical position. With the pointer in this position, move the indicator scale forward or back­ward until it reads "0." Then remove the leveling plate. Now, set the wheel in 20 degrees, place the leveling plate on the other side of the horizontal bar and slide it slowly along the bar until its edge contacts both pins on the indicator, Fig. 26. When this is done the kingpin inclination may be read directly from the Kingpin Inclination Scale on the indicator. The correct kingpin inclination should be 4-3/4 degrees plus or minus 1/2 degree.
The kingpin inclination of the other wheel may be checked by repeating the operations described above.
When making the foregoing checks, if the cam­ber check shows the camber to be incorrect and the kingpin inclination check shows the kingpin inclination to be correct, this means that the steering knuckle is bent and must be replaced. On the other hand, if the kingpin inclination is incor­rect, the knuckle support must be replaced. Natu­rally, after replacing a knuckle support it will be necessary to re-adjust both caster and camber.
Raise the car with a jack and place the chalk mark which indicates the point of mean run-out of the tires in the horizontal position; then lower the car on the turntables. Set one wheel so that when it is contacted by the contact bars the pointer will indicate "0" on the Toe-In Scale. Fig. 27. Then go to the other side of the car and contact the tire with the contact bars. Then read the amount of toe-in on the Toe-In Scale which should
Fig. 25—Installing Kingpin Inclination Leveling Plate
Caps and install the Kingpin Inclination Gauge
on the spindle, as shown in Fig. 24. Tighten the clamp screws evenly and securely so that the dial plate can be moved backward and forward for adjustment without moving the clamp on the spindle nut. Turn the wheel outward 20 degrees and with the contact bar in the horizontal position, install the leveling plate on the bar. Bring the
Fig. 26-Positioning Levelling Plate With Wheels Set IN 20degs.
Fig. 27—Setting Contact Bars to Check Toe-In





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