Section 3  - Front Suspension, Axle & Springs

plate assembly should be wired up to the sub-frame, Fig. 45.
The steering knuckle may now be removed by
disconnecting the steering connecting rod from the
steering arm. Then remove the nut from the steer-
. ing arm and drive the arm out of the knuckle,
using a "knock-out" to protect the threads.
steel thrust washer, and install it on the kingpin between the "I" beam and the upper yoke of the knuckle. Then push the kingpin through the "I" beam, thrust bearing, and lower yoke.
The steering knuckle thrust bearing is of the roller bearing type and has a removable shield, Fig. 47.
This shield should be installed on the open side of the bearing, and when assembling on the king­pin it must be on top of the thrust bearing with the flange side down.
Complete the assembly by installing the kingpin lock pin from the rear of the "I" beam and then upset the edge of the hole around the large diam­eter of the lock pin with a center punch to retain the pin in place. Install the packing, retainer, and snap ring on the top of the kingpin and drive in a new bottom kingpin bearing plug. The edge of the steering knuckle around the bottom plug should be upset or peened over to hold the plug in place properly. Assemble the steering arm to the knuckle and assemble the steering connecting rod, brake flange plate, and wheel hub assembly.
Trucks that have been operated for a period of time with loose kingpin bushings, in many cases, tend to "bell mouth" the kingpin holes in the ends of the "I" beam. As a means of making a satisfac­tory repair and prevent future kingpin breakage due to the kingpins being loose in the "I" beam, .010" and .020" oversize kingpins and bushings have been released for Conventional Heavy-Duty 1-1/2-Ton Trucks.
Special reamers are available on the market for reaming the holes in the "I" beam ends for over­size kingpins.
On the 1/2 and all 3/4-ton trucks the kingpin bushings are bronze bushings of the "floating" type. When replacing these bushings it is not necessary to ream them to size, as service bush­ings are machined to finished dimensions. How­ever, when replacing floating bushings care should be used to make sure that the oil groove in the bushing lines up with the lubrication fitting in the steering knuckle. These bushings should be free on the kingpin, but may be somewhat snug in the steering knuckle.
After the kingpin bushings have been installed, the front end alignment should be checked to make sure that all of the factors of front end alignment are within the specified limits.
Fig. 46—C.O.E. Kingpin Retainer Parts
Remove the kingpin by removing the snap ring, retainer, and packing from the top of the kingpin, Fig. 46. Drive out the kingpin lock pin from the front of the "I" beam. By driving downward on the kingpin it may be removed along with the bottom bearing plug. This disconnects the steering knuckle from the "I" beam.
When reassembling the kingpin, thread it through the upper yoke of the knuckle, grease the
Fig. 47—C.O.E. Steering Knuckle Thrust Bearing





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