Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

During the disassembly operations, all adjust­ments should be closely checked. This inspection will be of material assistance in making the neces­sary repairs to insure a satisfactory job.
1.   Check the clearance between the spacer and the end of the axle shafts.
2.   Check ring gear and pinion back lash.
3.   Check pinion depth in ring gear.
4.   Check for ring gear being loose on the differen­tial case.
5.   Check and make sure the propeller shaft and pinion assembly rolls free in its bearing.
6.   Check for looseness at the front propeller shaft bushing.
The axle shafts are removed as previously de­scribed and the third member is removed by the removal of the nuts which hold it to the front of the axle housing. The differential assembly may be removed by taking out the two adjusting nut locks, the four differential carrier cap screws and remov­ing the bearing caps and adjusting nuts.
The pinion and propeller shaft assembly can then be removed from the third member by remov­ing the three tapered bearing retaining screws on the side of the carrier and letting it drop so that the spline end of the propeller shaft will strike on a wooden block or wooden floor and the pinion shaft will slide out. Remove the shims from the inside of the propeller shaft housing. Make a note of the number and total thickness of shims removed.
After the axle has been disassembled all of the parts removed should be washed in gasoline or cleaning solvent to insure absolute cleanliness.
Differential Carrier and Propeller Shaft Housing
It is good practice when the propeller shaft is being removed from the propeller shaft housing, to check to see that there is not too much clear­ance between the propeller shaft and its bushing. If this clearance exceeds .010" the bushing should be replaced.
Propeller Shaft and Pinion Assembly
1.    Inspect the splines for excessive wear or loose­ness in the universal joint, also inspect the shaft at the propeller shaft bushing location.
2.   After the bearings have been thoroughly cleaned, oil with engine oil and check them for roughness. The double row front pinion bearing should be checked for end play, because any end play in this bearing will allow the pinion to work back and forth, thereby changing the pinion depth in the ring gear.
3.   Examine the pinion for cracked, chipped or scored teeth.
Propeller Shaft Bushing and Oil Seal Replacement
1.   Drill out the dowel pins which retain the bush­ings and drive out both bushings and oil seal from the pinion end of the housing.
NOTE—A new oil seal must be installed when­ever the bushings are removed.
2.   Start a new oil seal into the housing with the free side of the leather toward the front, then install a new rear bushing, driving both the oil seal and bushing firmly against their seat using J-968 bushing driver. Drill the dowel hole in the bushing, being careful to control the depth. Coat the dowel with "Hold-tite" or "Permatex" to seal against leakage. Peen the dowel in place.
3.    Install the front propeller shaft bushing, using J-968 bushing driver. When drilling the dowel pin hole in this bushing, great care must be exercised not to break through the wall of the bushing. Due to the thin wall of this bushing, an arbor of the right size or a universal joint rear yoke should be used to prevent distortion while peening the dowel pin.
4.   Any burrs that may have been set up during the peening operation should be dressed down with a line cut mill file.
Propeller Shaft and Pinion Disassembly
The following covers the operations necessary when replacing the propeller shaft, drive pinion or the pinion hearings:
1.   To disassemble the drive pinion from the pro­peller shaft, first drill the end of the rivet to clear the countersink into which it is upset, being careful to properly center the rivet with a center punch. Then drive out the rivet.
2.    Loosen the pinion bearing lock nut and then disassemble the pinion from the propeller shaft.
3.    Remove the front pinion bearing lock nut and press the bearing from the pinion using J-996 pinion bearing remover.
4.    Remove the rear pinion bearing lock ring and remove the bearing.
1. Install the rear pinion bearing on the pinion shaft and install the lock ring in its grove in
the shaft.
1. Install the lock sleeve with its beveled side toward the pinion. Press the front (double row) bearing on the pinion shaft and install the bearing lock nut.





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