Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

Fig. 44—Layout of Differential Paris
gear on its pilot on the differential case with the flat side of the gear towards the case. Then install the cover, making sure to mate the "X" marks on the case and cover, Fig. 45.
Install four bolts evenly spaced and pull them down "snug" to aid in alignment. Install the bal­ance of the bolts and pull them down tight and lock the nuts with tie wire.
The three major units of the 2-speed axle assem­bly are now ready for reassembly in the carrier.
Differential and Carrier—Reassembly
Install the shifter yoke and thread the double reduction shaft past the differential bearing sup­ports and through the opening in the housing for
Fig. 43—Installing Lock Rings
Remove the lock wire and bolts from the differ­ential case. Then remove the cover, high-speed double reduction gear, spider, differential pinions and the side gears.
NOTE—The low-speed double reduction gear is riveted to the case and will be serviced as a unit with the case. The high-speed double re­duction gear will be serviced separately.
Thoroughly wash all parts in clean gasoline or cleaning solvent and inspect all gears and pinions for cracked or broken teeth. Check the fit of the side gear hubs in the differential case and cover. Worn side gear and differential pinion thrust-washers should be replaced. Fig. 44 shows a layout of the parts which make up the differential assembly.
Lubricate the thrustwashers, side gear hubs and pinions. Then install them in the differential case and cover. Install the high-speed double reduction
Fig. 45—Differential Case Assembly Marks





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