Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

tion in most sections, there are some sections where extremely low temperatures are encountered dur­ing the winter months. In such sections it is advis­able to add 10% to 20% kerosene.
During the summer months in sections where the temperature is very high and the truck is subject to severe service conditions, a heavier grade of lubricant such as S.A.E. 140 may be used.
It is not necessary to change the lubricant with the seasonal changes, however, it is recommended that the housing be drained, flushed, and refilled twice a year, or approximately every 6,000 to 10,000 miles.
The shifter lever on the rear axle is controlled by a hand lever in the cab of the truck and is con­nected by rod and cable linkage to the shifter lever at the rear axle.
The installation of the control linkage on the various trucks varies somewhat due to the differ­ence in Wheelbase. However, the adjustments are the same on all units. Fig. 51 illustrates the instal­lation.
1.   Check all brackets and U-bolts on the frame to make sure they are in their proper position. The brackets are staked and the cable hous­ings are grooved for the U-bolts.
2.   Shift the shifting lever on the axle differential carrier to the fully forward position (low ratio). Disconnect the cable clevis from the shifting lever.
3.   Disconnect the front adjustable pull rod at the front end clevis.
4.   Loosen the check nut at the back end of the sleeve passing through the front support bracket. Unscrew the sleeve and front adjust­able pull rod assembly from the front end of the second pull rod, just ahead of the rubber boot.
5.   Using a scale on the threaded section at the front end of the second pull rod, adjust the check nut to allow exactly 11/16" of this threaded section to extend forward of the nut —measuring from the front flat surface of the nut to the front end of the rod, Fig. 51.
6.   Loosen the check nut where the rear end of the front adjustable pull rod joins the sleeve. Screw the sleeve and front pull rod assembly back onto the front end of the rear pull rod. being careful not to turn the rear pull rod check nut or upset the 11/16" measurement. Lock sleeve onto front end of rear pull rod by tightening check nut.
7.   Set the shift lever in the cab so that it is 6-3/4" from the rear edge of the lever to the front of the seat riser as shown in Fig. 51.
8.   Adjust the sleeve in the front support bracket so that it extends 2" forward of the support-measuring from the front face of the support to the front end of the sleeve. While holding the sleeve in this measured position, and the front pull rod check nut loose, adjust the pull rod as necessary, by screwing it in or out of the sleeve, until the front end clevis pin hole lines up with the hole in the bottom of the shift lever to allow installation of the pin— the shift lever in the cab during this adjust­ment must be set as outlined in paragraph 7. Insert pin and tighten check nut at front end of sleeve.
9.   At the shift lever on the differential carrier, make sure the lever is still in the fully forward position—low ratio, and detent ball seated. Then adjust the clevis at the cable end so the hole in the clevis lines up with the hole in the lever. Insert pin and tighten check nut.
10. Shift the hand lever forward and check to
make sure that the lever on the differential
case is in the full rear position or high ratio,
with the ball in the detent.
The cable linkage is lubricated at the lubrication
fittings in the connectors.
Fig. 51—Two-Speed Rear Axle Shifter Mechanism





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