Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

3. Remove the nuts from the bolts which attach the support bracket to the cross member. Then pull the assembly towards the rear to clear the splines to the front universal joint.
1.   Clamp one side of the universal joint yoke in a bench vise. Remove the cotter pin and nut from the shaft. The yoke may now be tapped off the shaft splines with a soft hammer. Remove the bearing dust shield.
2.   Wet the inside of the sleeve in the support bracket with water to soften the soap used when assembling. Place the bracket in a bench vise, then by moving the housing from side to side and at the same time pulling on the housing, it may be removed from the support bracket.
3.   Remove the rubber cushion from the housing by slipping it off the machined part of the hous­ing. The universal ball retainer may then be removed over the rear end of the housing.
4.   With a pair of pliers, compress the tangs on the end of the bearing retainer snap ring and re­move the snap ring.
5.   Using a brass drift and hammer, drive the pro­peller shaft and bearing from the housing.
6.   The bearing may now be removed by pressing it off the shaft in an arbor press.
Wash all parts except the bearing thoroughly in clear gasoline or cleaning solvent.
Examine the leather oil seal for wear or damage.
NOTE—The seal should not be removed unless for the purpose of replacement. To remove the seal, drive it out from the front of the housing, using a piece of shafting. When installing a new seal, be sure that the free end of the leather is toward the front end of the housing.
NOTE—The seal should be thoroughly soaked in light engine oil before assembling.
Inspect the bushing in the front of the housing for wear.
A new bushing may be installed in the same manner as on passenger cars. Check the ball bear­ing for roughness by turning it by hand.
1.   Press the bearing on the shaft in an arbor press.
2.   Assemble the shaft and bearing in the housing. Seat the bearing by tapping around its outer race, using a soft drift punch and hammer. Then install the snap ring.
3.    Install a new cork packing in the universal ball retainer. It is recommended that the packing be shellacked to the retainer. Install the retainer over the housing.
4.    Install the rubber cushion over the machined end at the rear of the housing.
5.   Coat the rubber cushion lightly with soft soap and assemble the support bracket over the cushion.
6.    Install the bearing dust shield and universal joint front yoke. Tighten the nut and cotter pin
Replacement in Truck
1.   Place the transmission in gear and then slide the splines of the front propeller shaft into the rear yoke of the front universal joint.
2.   Bolt the support bracket to the cross member.
3.   Lubricate the universal ball and then bolt the universal ball retainer to the rear end of the transmission housing.
4.   Raise the rear propeller shaft; remove the tape from the trunnion bearings. Seat the bearings in the front yoke of the universal; install the "U" clamps and tighten the nuts securely.
5.   Lubricate the intermediate universal joint with S.A.E. 90 transmission lubricant and lubricate the front universal by filling the housing with 1 pint of S.A.E. 90 transmission lubricant.
Fig. 59—3/4-Ton and 3/4-Ton Special Truck Front Propeller Shaft and Support Assembly





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