Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

ing the bearing, which would result in damage to both the yoke and the bearing.
Install the front yoke on the transmission main-shaft. Install the lockwasher and bolt.
Install the trunnion by threading it into the rear yoke.
Coat the inside of the trunnion bearings with light cup grease and install the 19 roller bearings. Then start the trunnion bearings into the rear yoke, at the same time fitting the ends of the trunnion into the bearings. Press each bearing into the yoke just far enough to install the snap ring. Install the rear yoke and trunnion on the propeller shaft splines.
Install the rollers in the front yoke trunnion bearings and place them on the ends of the trun­nion. Line up the trunnion bearings with the front yoke, making sure the pilots on the trunnions fit into the opening of the yoke. Install the lockwash­ers and cap screws and tighten them securely.
Fig. 60—Layout of Passenger and 1/2-Ton Truck Universal Joint Paris
1    Front Yoke,
2    Trunnion Bearing Lock Ring
3    Front Trunnion Bearing and Rollers.
4    Trunnion.
5    Capscrew.
6    Rear Trunnion Bearing and Rollers.
7    Rear Yoke.
the two front yoke trunnion bearings and split the joint.
The rear yoke and trunnion can then be removed from the propeller shaft splines. The front yoke can be removed from the transmission mainshaft by removing the bolt and lockwasher.
Wash all parts in clean gasoline or cleaning sol­vent, and inspect the yokes, trunnion, and bearings for wear. Worn or damaged parts must be replaced.
Remove the lock rings from the trunnion bear­ings and drive the caps from the yoke, using a drift punch in the center of the trunnion as shown in Fig. 61. After the trunnion has been driven down to the yoke, raise the trunnion and slip a flat washer 15/16" in diameter over the bearing. Again drive on the center of the trunnion until the bear­ing is free of the yoke. This method prevents cock-
Fig. 61—Disassembly of Universal Joint
Fig. 63—Removing Trunnion Bearings from Joint Yoke





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