Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

The rubber bushings fitting in each spring and hanger eye are in two halves due to the shoulder at the outer end of each. When installed and prior to tightening the lock nuts, the bushings are 1/4" longer than the space between the two shackle plates when tightened in place. Tightening the lock nuts until the inner plate bottoms on the pin shoulders, forces this excess rubber into the eye and around the pins, resulting in a tightly locked joint. The castellated sections of the special lock nuts tighten firmly against the pin threads when the nuts are pulled up tightly.
All shackle movement in relation to the spring and hanger eyes is taken by the flexibility of the rubber bushings, since the pins are solidly locked to the bushings, and the bushings cannot turn in the eyes, Fig. 67.
1.   Raise the car as necessary to provide the prop­er distance between the spring hanger and spring eye to install the shackle.
2.   Wipe free of all dirt and grease, the bushing holes in the spring hanger and spring eye, both shackle plates and pins, and the inside and out­side of both bushings.
3.    Install one bushing in the hanger and spring eye (two halves to each bushing) with the bushing shoulder or collar to the outside of each hole.
4.    Insert the shackle pins through the bushings (plate with pins attached) with the attached shackle plate toward the outside of the car, threaded ends of the pins toward the car center­line.
5.    Install the inner shackle plate, and tighten the lock nuts about halfway onto the pins.
6.   Lower the car and allow to stand normally with the weight on the wheels at curb weight—no passengers or load in the car. Bounce the back end of the car up and down several times to center and seat the rubber bushings. Then, when the car comes to rest normally, tighten both lock nuts until the inner shackle plate "bottoms" on the shoulders of the pins.
This type shackle requires no lubrication at any time, and during car lubrication periods care should be exercised to prevent the spraying of lu­bricant of any kind on these shackles—this also ap­plies to the spring seats and rear spring front eye attachment, since these points also are rubber in­sulated.
Rear Spring Hanger
The "U" shaped rear spring hanger on passenger cars is attached to the underside of the frame side rail by four rivets, Fig. 68.
Fig. 67—Rubber Spring Shackle
To remove this shackle it is only necessary to raise the car enough to relieve the load, remove the two lock nuts and inner shackle plate which re­lieves the pressure or load on the bushings. The outer shackle plate with pins, and all bushings may now be removed from the spring and hanger eyes.
To install the rubber bushed spring shackle pro­ceed as follows:
Fig. 68—Passenger Car Rear Spring Hanger
When replacing this spring hanger the following procedure should be closely followed:





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