Section 6 - Engine

gasket must be installed between the valve as­sembly and the block, and then another cork gasket between the valve assembly and the oil distributor cover.
cover gasket be used as this gasket controls the clearance in the pump.
Fig. 43— Oil Distributor Mounting on Cylinder Block
NOTE—Care must be used not to get these gas­kets mixed. The gasket indicated by the number "1" in Fig. 44 must be assembled between the valve and the block and gasket numbered "2" between the valve and cover as shown in Fig. 44.
Fig. 45—Layout of Oil Pump Parts
1     Oil Pump Body                    4 Cover Gasket
2     Drive Gear and Shaft          5 Cover
3     Idler Gear
When assembling the oil pump assembly to the cylinder block, be sure the tapered oil pump set screw is fully seated in the tapered hole in the neck of the oil pump housing, then lock the set screw with the lock nut.
The purpose of this baffle is to separate the oil mist from the fumes and thereby prevent oil being carried out of the Crankcase with the fumes.
This baffle is held in place by two bolts. When assembling it always make sure the nuts are se­curely locked and then check to make sure the con­necting rods have sufficient clearance.
The pipe leading from the oil distributor to the rocker arm shaft passes directly through the water jacket of the cylinder block. This construction serves to stabilize the oil temperature.
If the oil distributor to valve rocker shaft oil pipe is removed for any reason, it must be dis­carded and a new pipe and nipple assembly, Part No. 839186, installed according to the following instructions.
Coat the threads of the nipple with white lead, thread the pipe through the block and screw the nipple securely into the block. Install nipple and sleeve nut at the lower end of pipe, on left side of block, coating threads of nipple with white lead, and tighten securely. Make bend in lower end of pipe and connect to fitting at oil distributor loca-
Fig. 44—Oil Distributer Cover and Gaskets
The oil pump is a positive gear type. It consists of two spur gears enclosed in a one-piece housing and is provided with a relief valve to control maxi­mum oil pressure. In operation, oil is drawn from the Crankcase through a fine mesh screen mounted on the rear intermediate main bearing cap. The oil then passes through a pipe to the oil pump, then to the oil distribution system as previously de­scribed.
To disassemble the oil pump, remove the cover screws and cover. Then remove the drive gear and shaft and the idler gear. Fig. 45.
The fit of the shaft should be checked in the pump housing. Also check the spur gears for wear. If the pump parts are badly worn it is good policy to replace the complete oil pump assembly.
When reassembling an oil pump make sure the ground side of the idler gear is toward the cover. It is also important that only a genuine Chevrolet





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