Section 7 - Transmission

case and installing the countershaft, Fig. 20.
NOTE—Under ordinary circumstances it is not necessary to remove the shifter assembly from the cover.
Remove the four capscrews from the trans­mission cover and remove the cover and gas­ket. It will be noticed that the two front screws are special screws having extended ends that also lock the shifter shafts in the transmission case.
Lift out the shifter interlock.
Drive the shifter shafts from the case with a soft steel drift, driving them from the rear of the case to the front. Both of these shafts are .003" larger in diameter where they fit into the front of the case. Both front and rear diam­eters are ground to close limits so that the shafts will fit snugly in the case. Fig. 21 shows the parts of the shifter mechanism.
4. 5.
Fig. 20—Roller Bearing Countergear
2.   Install the countergear in the case; lubricate the forward thrustwasher and install it between the countergear and case.
3.   Feed the assembly tool. T-1617 (inset in Fig. 12) in from the front, tapered end first, picking up the forward thrustwasher and the counter­gear, being careful to keep the roller bearings in place.
4.   Lubricate the countershaft and install it from the front, pushing the assembly tool ahead of it, Fig. 12.
5.   Lubricate the rear thrustwasher and slip it between the countergear and case, picking it up with the assembly tool as it is pushed through by the shaft.
The fiat on the forward end of the shaft engages the clutch housing when the transmission is installed in the chassis, and keeps the counter­shaft from turning. This flat must be horizontal and at the top or the transmission cannot be assembled to the clutch housing.
NOTE—The step at the end of the counter­shaft should be flush with the front face of the case, or approximately 1 64" below the face, to maintain proper transmission align­ment.
1.   Remove the four capscrews from the gearshift lever housing.
CAUTION—These screws should be backed off evenly, or two of the screws should be removed and replaced with longer ones, in order to relieve the tension of the gearshift lever spring before removing the retainer.
2.   Remove the retainer, lever, ball seat, spring and gasket.
Fig. 21-Shifter Mechanism
6. The transmission can now be overhauled in the same manner as the passenger car transmission.
1.   Install the shifter yoke lock balls and springs in the side of the transmission case.
2.   Install the shifter yokes in the sides of the case, placing the first and reverse yoke over the first and reverse sliding gear, and the second and high yoke over the ring on the clutch sleeve.
3.   Install the shifter shafts from the front of the case, the longer of the two being the first and reverse shaft. Line up the lock holes in the shafts with the two front cover capscrew holes in the top of the case.
4.   Lay the shifter interlock in slots in the shifter yokes, with the pins upward. The interlock shifter lies in the slots so that the hole is closer to the second and high speed shifter shaft.





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