Section 9 - Steering Gear Assembly

3. Place a pan under the assembly to catch the lubricant and remove the bolts attaching the side cover to the housing.
dropped out of the nut into a clean pan. With the balls removed the nut can be pulled end­wise off the worm.
Wash all parts in clean gasoline or other cleaning fluid. Dry them thoroughly with clean rags. With a magnifying glass, inspect the roller bearing cones, worm and nut grooves and the surfaces of all balls for signs of indentation. Also check for any signs of chipping or breakdown of the surfaces.
Any parts which show signs of damage should be replaced. Balls must be replaced with Genuine Chevrolet Parts made according to special specifi­cations for this steering gear. No non-genuine balls should be used regardless of grade or quality.
Inspect the sector shaft for wear and check the fit of the shaft in the housing bushings.
Fig. 19—Worm Bearing Adjustment Points
4.   Pull the side cover, with the sector and shaft, from the housing.
NOTE—If the sector does not clear the open­ing in the housing easily, turn the wormshaft by hand until the sector will pass through the opening in the housing.
5.   Place the housing in a bench vice and remove the lower end cover and lower worm bearing.
NOTE—Do not clamp the housing too tightly in the vice as damage may result from ex­cessive pressure.
6.   Draw the wormshaft and nut assembly from the housing. Lay this assembly flat on the bench so that the nut will not thread off either end of the worm. Damage will be done to the ends of the ball guides if the nut is allowed to rotate until stopped at the end of the worm.
7.   Remove the lock nut from the lash adjuster and unscrew the lash adjuster from the side cover. Slide the lash adjuster out of the slot in the end of the sector shaft.
Disassembly of Ball Bearing Nut
As a rule, disassembly of the ball bearing nut will not be necessary—if it is perfectly free with no indication of "binding" or tightness when rotated on the worm. However, if there is any indication of "binding" or tightness, the unit should be dis­assembled and inspected.
1.   Remove the screws and clamp retaining the ball guides in the nut. Draw the guides out of the nut.
2.   Turn the nut upside down and rotate the worm­shaft back and forth until all the balls have
Fig. 20— Replacing Sector Shaft Bushings





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