Bulletin 9D-5 August, 1951

Bulletin 9D-5 August, 1951 Model "AA" Page 8


1.   Remove cover and bowl assembly from housing by removing 8 outside cover to housing-attaching screws.
2.   Hold throttle in FULL open position, to free pump actuating lever from pump yoke inside of housing, then lift cover and bowl assembly from housing.
3.   Remove 6 bowl cover to bowl attaching screws and separate bowl and cover by lifting straight up on cover to prevent damage to float.
NOTE: Remove gasket and lay cover aside for disassembly later.
4.   With a 5/16" width screw driver, remove power valve (K-Fig. 4) with red fibre gasket from bottom of bowl.
5.   Remove 2 main metering jets (A-Fig. 3) from bottom of bowl.
6.   With use of a small pointed object or small thin screw driver blade, remove retaining ring and pump screen (A-Fig. 6) from bottom of bowl.
7.   Turn bowl upside down (top on palm of hand) and the 2 main well tubes, (H-Fig. 3) 2 idle tubes (B-Fig. 2) and brass pump outlet check valve (E-Fig. 6) should drop from bowl.
NOTE: A small wedge, may be used to facilitate lifting main well tubes and idle tubes from bowl.
8.   With a small tag wire positioned into outside hook of pump actuating spring, unwind spring three full turns—full relaxed position. DO NOT DISTORT OR STRETCH PUMP ACTUATING SPRING.
9.   Remove 5 pump housing attaching screws. Use care so as not to disturb the position of the 2 pump jets, as they are targeted at the factory for proper direction of gasoline discharge.
10.   Remove conical-shaped pump return spring. DO NOT REMOVE MAIN NOZZLES FROM BOWL.
11.   Remove pump intake check valve plug and "ball type" intake check valve (B-Fig. 6).
NOTE: Use a screw driver of 1/4" width to prevent damage to internal threads of pump well. Disassembly of the Rochester Products Carburetor at this point permits servicing one or all of the individual units. The following disassembly procedure will cover the disassembly of each individual unit.






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