Cushion balanced engine mountings
are used to prevent even the smallest amount of engine vibration being transmitted to the passengers in
the car or
To adjust the engine mountings,
proceed as follows:
1. Tighten the front engine mounting bolts.
Should the mounting or
mountings be oil soaked
replacement should be made.
2. Tighten the rear engine mounting bolts at
the rear of the transmission
(passenger models only). Make
sure the mounting studs are tight in the transmission
3. Check the clearance between the transmission
cross member and the "U"
section plate (passenger
models only). This clearance should he from .005" to .015", equally spaced fore and
aft. If the clearance exceeds these limits, remove the mounting and bend the "U" section plate
until the clearance is within
the above limits.
NOTE—This clearance is very
important, because it limits the fore and aft movement of the
4. (On trucks) Tighten the side engine mounting
5. (On passenger models) Remove the bolts from
the engine side mountings and check the clearance between the mounting and its bracket
on each side, if the clearance
is more than 1/16", shim with
3/8" plain flat washer. If the clearance is less than 1/16", loosen the bracket
bolts and push the mounting
upward. (There may be sufficient clearance in the bracket bolt
holes to give the necessary
1/16" clearance). If unable to get the proper clearance in the manner
mentioned above, remove
the brackets and elongate the
holes with a round file until the 1/16" clearance between the mounting and the bracket
is obtained.
NOTE—It is important that
these mountings be set up with an equal amount of tension on each