Section 10 - Wheels & Tires

produces more even wear, while on the front tires, the braking stress is the only one effective. An example of heel and toe wear is shown in Fig. 1.
There are several reasons why tires wear more rapidly on one side of the tread than on the other: 1. Wheel camber causes the tires to run at a cer­tain angle from the
only a normal amount of deflection or bulge at the point of contact with the road.
When there is excessive toe-in or toe-out, tires will revolve with a side motion and scrape the
tread rubber off. If the misalignment is severe the rubber on both tires will be scraped off, but if the misalignment is slight or is caused by a bent steering arm, the rubber on only one tire will be scuffed off.
The scraping action against the face of the tire causes a small feather edge of rubber to appear on one side of
perpendicular, re­sulting in side wear. Fig 2 shows an ex­ample of side wear caused by excessive camber. This con­dition may be cor­rected by correcting the camber and in­terchanging the tires.
2.   High crown or high cambered roads cause an increased
the tread design. This feather edge is the evi­dence of irregularity as
Fig. 4-Tire Wear Due to Im­proper Toe-In or Toe-Out
Fig. 2-Tire Wear Due to Improper Comber
wear on the side of the right front tire.
shown by the arrows in Fig. 4.
Other types of uneven tire tread wear are due to some irregularities, such as uneven caster, bent
axles, wobbly wheels,
3.   Side thrust when
rounding turns causes wear on the sides of the treads. In making a turn to the left, especially at high speeds, the outside shoulder of the right tire and the inside shoulder of the left tire take most of the wear. When making a right-hand turn, the opposite shoulders of the tires are worn.
4. Excessively low inflation will also cause undue wear on the sides of the tires. Under no cir­cumstances should the
out-of-round brake drums, unequally ad­justed brakes, or other mechanical difficulties. Fig. 5, and can be cor­rected only by correct­ing the conditions which are causing it. Too much toe-in or toe-out combined with under-inflation will also cause uneven tire wear.
Truck tires follow
pressure be allowed to drop below the mini­mum pressure recom­mended for the particu­lar car and size of tire. In general, tires should be inflated a few pounds above the minimum pressure recommended. See "Inflation Pres­sure."
An example of two-sided wear is shown in
very much the same
Fig. 5-Wear Due to Mechanical Condition
general thought as por-
trayed in the previous paragraphs on passenger tires with the following special exceptions.
In the case of trucks, when it is necessary to interchange tires, always place the tire showing the most wear on the inside dual, and the tire with the least wear on the front wheels. The reason for this is simply that the inside dual tire is the hottest running tire on a truck, the outside dual next, and the front tire is the coolest, and it goes without saying that the less rubber on a tire, the cooler it will run.
Fig. 3. This has been
Fig. 3-Tire Wear Due to Under Inflation
caused by low inflation
and may be corrected
by bringing the inflation up to the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer if nor­mal loads only are being carried. If abnor­mally heavy loads are being carried, the infla­tion should be increased so that the tire shows





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