Section 10 - Wheels & Tires

The modern independently sprung front wheels on automobiles allow the drivers to make turns at a considerably higher rate of speed with the same feeling of security as they had with older
the outside shoulder or edge of the tire and by the roughening of the tread surface in this region de­noting severe abrasion, Figs. 6 and 7.
In addition, cornering wear often produces a fin or raised portion along the inside edge of each row in the tread pattern. In some cases this fin is almost as pronounced as a toe-in fin and in other cases it tapers into the row of tread blocks to such an extent that the tire has a definite step wear appearance, Fig. 7. That is, the outside edge of any tread row is worn more than the in­side edge which gives an appearance of steps when looking directly at the tire. Cornering wear of this nature is usually found in sections of the country where a great deal of turning is necessary on open highways.
Cornering wear in severe cases can be found on rear tires as well as on front tires. On rear tires the step condition is usually the most apparent and is almost always accompanied by a rounding of the outside shoulder of the tire. Pure camber wear on the rear from overloaded axles will leave a definite sharp edge on both shoulders of the tire, and the inside rows of the tread will be worn more than the outside rows without any semblance of a step wear condition, Fig. 8.
Fig. 4- "Cornering Wear" Due to Scrubbing on Fast Turns
cars at lower speeds. This fact is responsible for a comparatively new type of tread wear very often confused with excess camber wear which is caused by excess positive camber or high crowned roads.
We will call this new type of wear "cornering wear" as it is a result of the scrubbing produced by driving fast on curves, turns, and corners.
Fig. 8-Rear Tire Wear Due to Improper Camber
On front tires camber alone would wear the out­side rows more than the inside rows without any semblance of step wear, and would leave the shoulders sharp on both sides. However, this is very rarely found without some cornering wear. This camber of the wheels should be corrected only when it is beyond the factory specifications and when the abnormal camber characteristics of the tread wear outweigh the cornering characteristics,
When cornering wear is encountered the owner should be shown, by the rough tire surface, that he is severely damaging his tires by fast or sharp turns, and told that he could greatly prolong the
Fig. 7-"Step Wear" Due to Frequent Turning
Cornering wear can be most easily distinguished from abnormal camber wear by the rounding of





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