Section 1 Body

is opened or closed, Fig. 9. A step in the spring holds the door in the open position until it is pulled shut manually.
Front Door Weatherstrips
Due to the design of the front door hinges, and the door check and hold-open device, the rubber weatherstrips and method of attachment differs somewhat from rear doors.
Six (6) separate pieces comprise the complete front door weatherstrip, including molded lower corner pieces and the specially formed hinge pillar section with slots for positioning with relation to the weatherstrip retainer.
Rear Door Weatherstrips
Five (5) separate pieces comprise the complete rear door weatherstrip. All pieces are cemented to the flange of the door outer panel. The piece ex­tending along the bottom of the door, in addition to being cemented in place, is also held by three clips, one in the center and one at each end.
Weatherstrip Replacement-All Doors
Weatherstrip replacement operations are the same on all doors with one exception. When the front door hinge pillar piece is removed or replaced it is also necessary to remove and reassemble the special retainer used at this point.
The following procedure covers partial and com­plete weatherstrip replacement:
1.   Remove the loose weatherstrip from door flange. Thoroughly clean the door flange using only clean, clear gasoline or naphtha. (Do not use Ethyl or any other treated gasoline for cleaning door flange or weatherstrip.) Sand off all rust spots and make certain that the door flange is thoroughly clean and dry.
2.   Thoroughly clean the base of the weatherstrip -that surface which will fit against the door flange, using clean, clear gasoline, and be sure this surface is absolutely dry before applying any cement. (This applies when using new weatherstrips out of stock and when reassem­bling an old weatherstrip.)
3.   Using a 1/2" stiff paint brush, and FS 655 cement, brush or paint on evenly and lightly one coat of cement to the cleaned door flange surface, and one coat to the clean dry base of the rubber weatherstrip. Allow the cement on each surface to dry a few minutes, until tacky —usually four or five minutes.
NOTE-To produce the best results, the FS 655 cement should be of a creamy thin con­sistency. Should this cement become too thick, it should be thinned, using clear, clean gasoline—do not use Ethyl or any other treated gasoline.
4.   After allowing the cement to become tacky, carefully locate each piece of weatherstrip to its proper position on the door. DO NOT STRETCH ANY PART OF THE WEATHER­STRIP!
NOTE-Best results will be obtained if each piece of weatherstrip is allowed to position itself on the door rather than to attempt stretching it into position.
5.   After positioning, start at the center of each piece and press it firmly onto the flange-working toward each end from the center. A block of wood under clamps is helpful in hold-
All pieces of this weatherstrip are cemented to the door outer flange with excep­tion of the front vertical piece between the door crease line and the bottom of the door. This specially formed piece is cemented to the face of the hinge pillar, and is also held in position by a special weather­strip retainer. The re­tainer fits over the edge of the weatherstrip and is held by six screws to the door pillar. The re­tainer is shown removed in Fig. 10.
In addition to the cement used, the bottom piece of weatherstrip
10-Front Door Weatherstrip and Retainer
along the lower flange of the door, is also held
by three clips, one in the center and one at each end.
To insure against water leaks due to the weather­strip attachment to the face of the hinge pillar, and to provide a flush surface for the weatherstrip to seal against, stamped sheet metal plates, held by two screws, are used to bridge over the door hinges and hinge recesses in the door pillar. The hinges and recesses alongside the hinges are filled with FS-638 sealing compound to prevent water enter­ing under these plates. Stamped plates of the same design and method of attachment, are used to bridge over the body pillar half of the hinges to insure a flush surface for the weatherstrip to seal against when the door is closed. The same method of seal­ing is used under these plates at the hinges and hinge recesses on the body pillar.





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