Section 11 - Chassis Sheet Metal

Section If
The hood is an alligator jaw type, opening at the front and operated by a counter-balancing de­vice comprised of a spring-loaded hinge on each side of the cowl, and so designed that the spring tension holds the hood firmly in place in the open position.
Hood side panels are integral with the top panels and, when the hood is opened, are raised with it providing access to the engine compartment, Fig. I. The opening line along the sides is at the junc­ture of the hood side panels and the front fender ledge or catwalk.
The hood lock is released by pulling out on the control knob. The hood is then raised above the safety catch position by inserting the fingers under the front of the hood opening and pressing up on the safety catch, Fig. 2. The hood can then be raised to the fully open position.
Fig. 2-Hood Lock Bolt and Safety Latch
Hood Hinges
The hinge arrangement is designed to permit proper hood opening without interference. Through the use of this hinge it is possible to prop the hood open much wider than on any previous model.
Each hood hinge comprises a pressed steel plate with two hinge arms securely pinned by heavy rivets to bosses in the plate. Heavy bracing welded to the hood side panels provides the rigid mount­ing point for the hood end of the hinge arms, which are attached by bolts to the side panel, Fig. 3.
Each hinge plate is rigidly attached to the side of the cowl by three bolts. The top and rear bolts (3/8" hex. hd.) extend through the cowl from the inside into square nuts permanently staked in place on the outside of the hinge plate. Fig. 4. The front bolt (5/16" hex. hd.) extends from the outside through the plate and cowl into a square nut per­manently staked in place on the inside of the cowl panel.
Fig. 1—Hood Open Showing Engine Comportment
The hood control knob is located just below the left end of the instrument panel and is attached to a cable that passes through a conduit to a spring-loaded locking latch in the hood lock plate, Fig. 6.





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