Section 11 - Chassis Sheet Metal

The top and rear bolt holes through the cowl, and the front bolt hole through the hinge plate, are elongated horizontally as well as being consider­ably wider than the bolt diameters, to provide for shifting either hinge plate in any direction neces­sary for proper hood adjustment and alignment. Fig. 4. Access to the two bolts on the inside of the cowl panel is provided for by cutouts in the cowl inner structure, Fig. 5.
Due to the length and weight of the hood, heavy hinge springs are used for proper balance when in the open position. The upper end of each spring is hooked through a hole in a tab of each rear hinge arm, and the lower ends hook over the front of horizontal brackets extending from the side of the cowl to the fender ledge,
NOTE-Care must be used in unhooking and hooking the hood hinge springs due to the heavy tension.
Hood Adjustment
In making hood ad­justments, attention must be paid to proper spacing and alignment. Both front doors should be closed, and the spac­ing alignment checked at the following points during adjustment:
Back end of hood on cowl, at both front doors, along sides where side panels join the fender ledges, at the front end across the top of the grille. The top panels should rest
Fig. 3-Hood Hinge and Attachment to Hood
firmly on the cowl all across in front of the windshield.
Fig. 5-Hood Hinge Plate Belts Inside Cowl
To adjust the hood for alignment and proper spacing, proceed as follows:
1.   Open hood, disconnect both hinge springs at the lower ends, loosen both front hinge plate-to-cowl bolts.
2.   Loosen the four (4) slotted head screws attach­ing the hood lock plate to the top baffle-do not remove screws, and leave this plate loose on the screws until the hood adjustment is completed.
3.   Close hood. Working inside the car loosen two cowl-to-hinge plate bolts on each side.
4.   Close both front doors. Shift hood as necessary, while in the closed position, to arrive at proper
Fig. 4-Hood Hinge Plate Attachment





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