Section 12 - Electrical System

terminal, disconnect condenser and clean the con­tact points of both the current and voltage regu­lator as explained under the heading "Cleaning Contact Points."
Disconnect the field and positive wires from the generator. Remove the generator brace nut, fan belt and bracket bolts, then remove the generator from the engine.
Place the generator in a bench vise, use the vise as a holding fixture only, being careful not to pinch the generator frame. Remove the generator pulley. Remove the commutator cover band, brush lead machine screws, through bolts and commutator end frame assembly from the generator.
Remove the drive end frame and armature as­sembly. Remove the drive end bearing inside re­tainer plate, drive end bearing outside space collar and felt washer from the armature shaft. The drive end bearing should then be removed from the end of the armature shaft. Remove the drive end bear­ing inside spacer washers, retainer plate and gasket.
With the generator completely disassembled, Fig. 30, wash all parts in clean gasoline or cleaning solvent.
TESTING GENERATOR PARTS Field Coil Test for Continuous Circuit
Place the test prods on the field coil leads as shown in Fig. 31. If the test lamp lights, the field
lamp lights, field coils are grounded and should be replaced. If the test lamp does not light, field coils are OK.
Fig. 32-Field Coil Test for Ground
Field Coil Balancing Test
Slide the insulation off the soldered connection between the two field coils. This test is made with a battery, an ammeter and two leads. Place one test lead on the soldered connection and the other on one end of the field coil, Fig. 33. Take a reading
Fig. 33-Fie!d Coil Balancing Test
on the ammeter. Remove the lead from the end of the field coil and place it on the end of the other field coil and take a reading. If one field coil draws more current than the other, there is an internal short in the field coil and the coil that draws the most current should be replaced.
Brush Lead to Generator Positive Terminal Test for Continuous Circuit
Place test prods, one on end of wire and the other on the terminal as shown in Fig 34. If the test lamp lights, the wire is OK. If test lamp does not light, the wire is open circuited and should be replaced.
Fig. 31-Field Coil Test for Continuous Circuit
coils are OK. If the test lamp does not light, the field coils are open-circuited and should be re­placed.
Field Coil Test for Ground
Place test prod leads, one to the ground and the other to field coil terminal, Fig. 32. If the test





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