Section 12 - Electrical System

and it should be replaced. If the test lamp does not light, the brush holder is OK.
Brush Holder Spring Tension                               
Check to see that the brush holder springs have enough tension to hold the brushes snugly against the commutator. Check brushes for wear and con­dition. Replace if necessary.
Front Bushing Fit
Check the fit of the armature shaft in the front bushing and if this bushing is worn, replace it with a new one.
Fig. 34-Brush Lend to Positive Terminal Test for Continuous Circuit
Generator Positive Terminal Test for Ground
Place one test prod on the terminal and the other on the generator frame, Fig. 35. If the test lamp lights, the terminal insulation is broken down and should be replaced. If the lamp does not light, the insulation is OK.
Fig. 35-Positive Terminal Test for Ground
Main Brush Test for Ground
Place test prod leads—one on the positive brush and the other on the end frame, Fig. 36. If the test lamp lights, the positive brush holder is grounded
Fig. 37-Armature Test for Ground
Armature Test for Ground
Place the test prod leads, one to the armature core and the other to the commutator bars as shown in Fig. 37. If the test lamp lights, the arma­ture is grounded and should be replaced. If the test lamp does not light, the armature is OK.
Armature Test for Short
Place the armature on the growler, and with a hack saw blade over the armature core, rotate the armature and test, Fig. 38. If the saw blade does
Fig. 36-Positive Brush Holder Test for Ground





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