Section 12 - Electrical System

After the parts have been thoroughly tested and inspected, and worn or damaged parts replaced, reassemble the generator as follows:
Assemble the drive end bearing outside retainer plate to the drive end frame. Assemble the drive end bearing inside retainer plate, gasket, washer, bearing outside felt washers and space collar to the end of the armature shaft. Assemble the drive end frame and inside retainer plate to the arma­ture.
New brushes should not be sanded-in, but should be assembled to the brush holder so that the center of the brush contact surface rests or bears against the commutator. Brushes furnished through the Parts Department are ground or machined fiat.
After the generator has run for approximately 10 hours the brushes will have automatically seated themselves against the commutator.
Assemble the armature and drive end frame assembly to the generator frame. Assemble the commutator end frame assembly, through bolts and connect up brush leads.
After the generator is completely assembled, and before it is installed on the car or truck the follow­ing tests should be made:
Motoring Generator
With a battery and an ammeter in the circuit as shown in Fig. 40, connect the field terminal to ground with a jumper lead; place one lead on generator positive terminal and the other to the
Fig. 38-Armature Test far Short
not vibrate, the armature is O.K. If the saw blade vibrates, the armature is short circuited. To de­termine whether the armature or the commutator is shorted, clean out between the commutator bars and recheck the armature. If the saw blade still vibrates, the armature is short-circuited and should be replaced.
Fig. 39-Undercutting Mica
Armature to Commutator Leads
Check to see that the armature to commutator leads are properly soldered to the commutator.
Check the commutator for roughness, and if rough, turn down on a lathe until it is thoroughly cleaned up, after which sand off with 00 sand paper. Undercut the mica, as shown in Fig. 39, and again check the armature on the growler.
Fig. 40-Motoring Generator





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