Section 12 - Electrical System

1.   Assemble the governor weights over their pivot pins. Lubricate the top end of the shaft with light engine oil and install the cam.
2.   Assemble the advance mechanism cover. Install the two lock plates and nuts. After tightening the nuts securely, lock them by bending up the tangs on the lock plates.
The contact points on the distributor are fixed in their mounting and are controlled by an eccen­tric screw moving the mounting plate. To adjust the gap of these points, proceed as follows: Re­move the distributor cap and rotor. Hand crank the engine until the breaker arm rubbing block is on the peak of the cam. The contact points are then opened the maximum distance. Loosen the lock screw and turn the eccentric adjusting screw, as shown in Fig. 57, to the right or left, increasing or decreasing the gap to .018". Tighten the lock screw.
Fig. 57-Adjusting Distributor Breaker Points
When installing new points it is advisable to set the gap at .020" to .022" to compensate for initial wear on the fiber rubbing block while break­ing in.
The ignition coil is rilled with transformer oil and is hermetically sealed to prevent the entrance of moisture. A large porcelain insulator is used at the secondary terminal to provide effective insu­lation.
Coil tests can only be made on coil test equip­ment; therefore, the instructions of the equipment manufacturer should be followed.
A switch mounted on top of the starting motor, as shown in Fig. 58, and operated by a connecting lever to the starter drive shift lever, is used to re­verse the direction of the current flowing through the ignition primary circuit to the breaker points in the distributor each time the engine is started, without changing the polarity of the secondary circuit.
Fig. 56-Ignition Distributor Connections
3.   Lubricate the shaft and install it in the distrib­utor housing. Install the drive gear and pin.
4.   Install the breaker plate in the distributor body, assemble breaker plate insulation. Then as­semble the distributor cap retaining clips; the screws which mount the clips are screwed into insulation nuts on the inside of the breaker plate, Fig. 56.
5.   Install the primary terminal insulation bushing in the housing. Thread the terminal through the bushing and install the insulation washer, flat washer, lockwasher and nut.
6.   Assemble the condenser to the breaker plate, making sure the connections are clean.
7.   Install the distributor points and set the gap at .018".
8.   Install the bakelite shaft contact plug, spring and grease cup.





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