Section 12 - Electrical System

Fig. 58-Polarity Reversing Switch an Starting Motor
The diagrams. Fig. 59, show the connections and operation of the switch. These two diagrams show the two directions of current flow through the pri­mary circuit, one or the other is always in oper­ation. The purpose of this arrangement is to pro­duce uniform wear on both distributor contact points, thereby increasing point life.
Fig. 60-Reversing Switch Parts
All parts of the reversing switch are serviced. Figure 60 is a layout of all parts comprising the complete switch unit.
Always be sure the battery positive cable is attached to the starter switch so that the cable leads straight up from the rear of the terminal (in such a manner that it will not obstruct the starter shift lever when starting the engine), to prevent any possibility of the cable interfering with the reversing switch operating linkage.
Checking Switch Operation
Proper operation of the reversing switch is essen­tial to the flow of primary current through the ignition system. If for any reason current fails to flow through the switch, the ignition system will fail to function. Should there be any question about the proper functioning of the switch, it should be checked as follows:
1.   With the breaker points closed, turn on igni­tion switch. If primary circuit is closed, the in­strument panel ammeter will indicate the igni­tion load.
2.   Slowly push down on the starter pedal while watching the ammeter. As the pedal is partially depressed and the reversing switch begins to operate, the ammeter hand will return to zero.
3.    Continuing to depress the starter pedal should again complete the primary circuit through the reversing switch and cause the ammeter to regis­ter as in paragraph 1 above.
4.   Additional movement downward on the starter pedal will cause the reversing switch to "click," the ratchet locking into the closed circuit posi­tion. Further movement of the pedal beyond this point will be absorbed by the over-travel spring and should have no effect on the revers­ing switch.
Fig. 59-Reversing Switch Circuits
The switch has a positive stop for the forward movement or travel of the switch lever, insuring proper travel of the lever when the starter lever is depressed to start the engine. The operating link­age consists of a connector lever, from the starter shift lever to the switch lever, made of a flat stamp­ing with a spring loaded sliding section to prevent any possibility of bending when the switch lever contacts the stop. The reversing switch must always be assembled to the starting motor with the switch lever down as shown in Fig. 58.





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