Section 2  - Frame

When assembling end cap, place a small amount of grease between end cap and steel spacer.
9. Fill shock absorber to capacity with fresh G.M. Shock Insulating Fluid. While filling move arm through complete strokes to expel the air from unit.
10.   Replace other end cap and rotate fixture until arm is in same position as it is mounted on car.
11.   Remove filler plug and allow fluid to drain down to the level of the reservoir to allow for normal expansion of the fluid.
12. Replace filler plug, using new gasket.
Double-Acting Opposed, External Valve Type
Relief valves of this type shock absorber may be removed by removing valve cover plugs shown in Fig. 13 and picking valves out with hooked tool or piece of wire.
Single-Acting Type
1.   Remove shock absorber from car and mount on fixture in a vertical position, cover end up.
2.   While holding shock absorber arm firmly in vertical position, to hold piston in cylinder, re­move cover screws and cover.
3.   Move arm toward piston side of housing so that the piston spring is compressed. Insert Delco Hold Down Tool No. 515, leg down, loop out, over edge of shock absorber on piston side, and slide around edge of opening until the loop is locked under the shoulder at the corner of the shock absorber. Then the arm may be released.
4.   Remove shock absorber from fixture and place under arbor press. Move arm away from piston so that the cam is turned up, exposing the piston. Place short length of cold rolled stock between press and piston as in Fig. 25; com­press piston spring slightly to remove hold down hook.
5.   Raise press slowly until piston is fully extended. Then lift piston and spring out.
Double-Acting Parallel Cylinder Type
The parallel cylinder type shock absorber should not be disassembled as the internal parts such as the pistons, piston springs, cam, or intake valves are not serviceable. The only serviceable parts of this shock absorber are the cover, cover gasket, cover screws, rebound valve, compression valve, valve nuts and gaskets, and filler plug and gasket. If replacement of pistons, piston springs, intake valve or any internal parts becomes necessary, complete shock absorber replacement is required.
Fig. 25—Using Arbor Press to Compress Piston Spring
Fig. 26-Piercing Piston Screw Plug





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