Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

bolts. This permits ring gear replacement without changing the differential case. The differential bearings are of barrel roller type.
The front pinion bearing is a large double row ball bearing, and the rear pinion bearing is a large roller bearing. A spring-loaded rawhide oil seal is used at the rear of the universal joint yoke.
The axle shaft to wheel hub gasket is made of soft sheet aluminum to reduce friction and load on the bolts. A lock plate is used to lock these bolts.
Identification of Rear Axles
The regular production 6.17 to 1 rear axle ratio may be identified by the serial number stamped on the top right-hand side of the differential carrier and prefixed by the letters "2AR," "2AS," "BR" or "BS."
The optional ratio 5.43 to 1 may be identified by the letters "2AT," "2AW" or "BT" prefixed to the serial number.
Axle Shaft Removal
1.   With a cold chisel and hammer bend the lugs of the lock plate away from the bolt heads.
2.   Remove the eight 1/2" capscrews and lock plate.
3.   Install two 7/16"—14 capscrews in the threaded holes provided in the axle shaft flange. By turn­ing these capscrews alternately the axle shaft may easily be removed. Remove the axle shaft and aluminum gasket, Fig. 16.
NOTE—Removal of the wheel is important; it prevents damage to the oil seal and permits more accurate adjustment of the bearings.
2. Raise the lip of the special lock from the notch in the lock nut. Remove lock nut with special wrench J-870, and remove the lock, inner adjusting nut, and thrust washer.
Fig. 17—Removing Inner Bearing and Oil Seal
3.   Remove the hub and drum assembly.
4.   Install brake wheel cylinder clamp to prevent the brake fluid from leaking should the brake pedal be accidentally depressed.
5.   To remove the inner bearing and oil seal, use puller J-918.
Fig. 18—Removing Outer Bearing Snap Ring
The puller is installed by tilting the plate with the chain attached, so that it may be slipped through the bearing and engage the outer race of the bearing. The plate is then held in this position by the chain while threading the puller shaft into the tapped hole. The puller body is then located against the housing and the bear­ing assembly and oil seal are removed by turn­ing the puller handle, Fig. 17.
6. To remove the outer bearing, first tap the outer race to relieve the tension at the snap ring; then remove the snap ring on the inside of the hub, Fig. 18. Remove the bearing by driving
Fig 16—Loosening and Removing Axle Shaft
Axle Shaft Replacement
Place a new aluminum axle shaft flange gasket on the axle shaft and push the shaft into the hous­ing. Use a new lock plate at the axle shaft cap­screws and insert the eight capscrews in the axle shaft flange, tightening them alternately and make sure they are pulled up tight. Then bend the tangs of the lock plate against the heads of the capscrews.
Removal of Rear Wheel Bearings
1. Jack up the rear axle and remove the wheel and axle shaft.





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