Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

on the outer race using a long 1/8" punch through the cap screw holes in the end of the hub. This will also bring out the inner race and roller assembly.
NOTE—Care must be taken to engage the edge of the race with the punch and not damage the bearing seat in the housing. The race must also be driven out evenly.
Replacement of Rear Wheel Bearings
1.   Check the fit of the inner races on housing; these races should be free to turn, but not loose.
2.   Wash the bearings in clean gasoline or cleaning solvent and pack the roller assembly with No. 2-1/2 soft, smooth cup grease.
3.   To replace the outer bearing, place the inner -race-and-roller assembly, and the outer race in the wheel hub with the thin edge of the outer race downward. Use outer wheel bearing re-placer, J-872-1, to press the bearing in the hub.
side of the race down. Use special driver J-872-4 to press the race against its seat. In­stall the inner race and roller assembly. Install the oil seal, using the wheel bearing oil seal replacer J-872-2, with an arbor press. Lock the seal in place by prick punching at three equally spaced places.
5.    Install the wheel hub and drum assembly, turning the hub to properly line up the bear­ings.
6.    Install the thrust washer and adjusting nut,
Fig. 20.
Fig. 20-lnstalling Thrust Washer, Adjusting Nut, Lock Nut and Loch Nut Lock
Adjustment of Rear Wheel Bearings
1.   Using special wrench J-870, tighten the ad­justing nut tight, then back it off 45 degrees. Turn the wheel hub by hand to make sure the hub turns freely.
2.    Install the adjusting nut lock and check the alignment of the tangs with the slots in the nut.
3.   Rotate the hub by hand, grasping the hub at the wheel bolts, to see that the bearings are properly seated and that the hub turns freely.
4.   Bend the tang on the lock down into the notch of the adjusting nut. Install the outer lock nut and pull up tight to prevent any loosening of the adjusting nut. Bend the tang of the lock into the notch of the lock nut.
5.    Install the axle shaft, using a new aluminum gasket.
6.    Install new capscrew lock plate.
7.    Install the axle shaft bolts and tighten securely.
Replacement of Oil Slinger
The location of the oil slinger requires that it be driven on the rear axle housing. If for any
Fig. 19—Driving Outer Race Into Contact With Snap Ring
CAUTION—Press the race only far enough to install the snap ring; this operation should be done in an arbor press.
Install the snap ring in the groove on the inside of the hub. Use special driver J-872-3 through the cap screw holes in the end of the hub to force the outer race back in positive contact with the snap ring, Fig. 19.
4. To replace the inner bearing, place outer race of the bearing in the wheel hub with the wide





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