Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

Fig. 27—Differential Case Line-Up Marks
NOTE—If any one of the differential gears are damaged or scored all should be re­placed.
When reassembling the differential, the flanges of the case, ring gear pilot and the back of the ring gear must be clean and free from burrs.
When replacing the ring gear, it is good prac­tice to use two guide pins made from differential and ring gear screw, part No. 3652253. Their ends should be slightly tapered and screwdriver slots cut so they may be easily removed, Fig. 28.
Fig. 26—DifferentiaI Bearing Puller
and blown out with clean air. They should then be oiled and rotated by hand, to check for rough­ness.
To disassemble the differential, check and make sure the case halves are marked, Fig. 27, so it may be reassembled in the same position. Remove the twelve 1/2" bolts from the case. Lift off the case cover and remove the differential gears and pinions.
The ring gear may be removed from the right-hand side of the case by tapping it with a soft-faced hammer.
Wash all parts thoroughly in clean gasoline or cleaning solvent. Check all gears for chipped, cracked or scored teeth. Inspect the differential side gear and pinion thrust surfaces in the housing halves for wear or score marks. Check the fit of the side gear hubs in the differential case halves. The fit of the pinions should be checked on the spider. The differential side bearings should be carefully inspected for worn, checked, scored or broken rollers. They should then be oiled and rotated by hand to check for roughness.
Any damaged or worn parts should be replaced.
Fig 28—Guide Pins in Ring Gear





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