Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

1. Lubricate the differential side gears and pinions and install them in the left half of the differ­ential case.
1. Assemble the right side of the case to the left side, being sure to line up the marks on the case halves, Fig. 27.
3.   Install the guide pins. Slip the ring gear over the pilot diameter of the right-hand half of the differential case.
4.   Install ten differential to ring gear bolts and lockwashers, tightening them evenly one turn at a time until the ring gear face is flush with the case flange. Remove the guide pins and in­stall the two remaining bolts and lockwashers. Then pull up all twelve bolts tight.
5.   Assemble the differential side bearings to the case, using the special driver, J-1488.
NOTE—The wide side of the inner race must be towards the case.
Differential Carrier Reassembly
1.   Place the differential carrier in a vise and in­stall the bearing cap dowels in the carrier or in the bearing caps.
2.   Assemble pinion assembly to the carrier using new gaskets and tighten the pinion bearing re­tainer bolts securely.
3.   Install the differential assembly in the carrier. Install the bearing caps, making sure the marks on the caps line up with marks in the carrier. Install the cap screws and tighten them until
the lockwashers just flatten out. Screw the ad­justing nuts into the carrier, making sure they turn freely. Tighten them snugly to straighten up the bearing outer races.
4. Back off the right-hand adjusting nut and tighten left-hand adjusting nut just to a point where all lash between the ring gear and pinion is removed, Fig. 29. Then back off the left-hand nut approximately two notches and to locking position. Tighten right-hand nut to solid posi­tion. Back off right-hand nut free of bearing, then tighten up right-hand nut until all play in bearing is removed and then one to two notches more to a locking position.
Fig. 30—Checking Ring Gear and Pinion Bach Lash
5. Check ring gear and pinion back lash. This should be from .005"—.008". If it is more than .008", loosen the right-hand adjusting nut one notch and tighten left-hand nut one notch. If less than .005", loosen the left-hand nut one notch and tighten the right-hand nut one notch.
Fig. 29—Adjusting Ring Gear and Pinion Back Lash
Fig. 31—Ring Gear Thrust Pad Adjustment





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