Section 4  - Rear Axle, Universal Joints & Springs

Remove the shifter lever retainer nut and lock-washer. Then remove the lever, pawl and Wood­ruff key from the shifter yoke shaft, Fig. 35. The bushing can be removed by raising it with a screw­driver through the notch provided in the carrier.
NOTE—The bushing must be removed at this time to permit the removal of the double reduc­tion shaft assembly.
The double reduction shaft assembly can now be removed from the carrier by sliding it to the left side of the carrier, and pulling the ring gear toward the rear, threading the assembly past the differential bearing supports, Fig. 36. Then remove the shifter yoke. The right-hand bearing outer race can be removed from the carrier with a soft drift punch and hammer. This completes the dis­assembly.
Drive Pinion—Disassembly
Press the pinion shaft, rear bearing and spacer out of the pinion cage, using an arbor press. From the back end of the cage drive the oil seal out the front end, using a long punch or drift. Make a note of the number and thickness of shims between the front bearing inner race, and the front face of the spacer. Using an arbor press and pinion bearing remover J-1328, press the rear pinion bearing off the shaft.
Wash all parts in clean gasoline or cleaning sol­vent. Then inspect the drive pinion for chipped, cracked, or worn teeth. Inspect the bearing races and rollers for pits and cracks. Fig. 37 shows a layout of the parts which make up the pinion cage assembly.
Fig. 35—Shifter Lever and Pawl
Remove the nuts and lockwashers from the double reduction shaft bearing caps and remove the caps and shims (see Note on checking shims).
NOTE—A short bar can be used between the back of the ring gear and the carrier to aid in removing the left bearing cap which is piloted to the carrier.
Fig. 37—Layout of Drive Pinion and Cage Assembly
Damaged bearing outer races can be removed from the pinion cage by using a front wheel bear­ing outer race driver through the back end of the cage to drive the front race out. A drift or punch may be used through the front of the cage to drive the rear race out.
Fig. 36—Removing Double Reduction Shaft Assembly





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