Section 6 - Engine

Coil and Condenser
The ignition coil is of large capacity and is sealed air tight to prevent the entrance of moisture. Transformer oil is used for insulating material in­side the coil. A large porcelain insulator is used at the secondary terminal of the coil, to provide effec­tive insulation.
The condenser is also of large capacity to operate with the large capacity coil and distributor cam angle, and when used with these units aids in pro­ducing high coil voltage, particularly at low engine speeds.
NOTE—This condenser must not be installed on models prior to 1941, as its capacity is too high for the coil and cam angle on these models.
The ignition coil and condenser should be checked following the instructions given by the manufacturer of the test equipment being used.
Fuel Pump
Remove the pump filter bowl and screen and wash them thoroughly in clean gasoline. When re­assembling make sure the cork gasket is in good condition and properly seated. Tighten all fuel pump connections.
Air Cleaner
Remove the air cleaner, wash the copper filter element in clean gasoline and allow to drain thoroughly. Dip the element in engine oil and allow excess oil to drain thoroughly before re­assembly.
Remove the carburetor from the engine. Dis­assemble, inspect and reassemble as outlined under "Carburetor." All parts should also be checked to make sure they are correct for the car­buretor involved.
Reassemble carburetor and air cleaner to the
Throttle Adjustment When Starting
Provision is made on passenger models for ad­justing the amount of throttle opening when start­ing the engine through a lug welded to the starter cross shaft, and a similar lug containing a bolt and
check nut for adjustment, welded to the accelera­tor rod, Fig 69.
To adjust the amount of throttle opening when starting, proceed as follows:
1.   Adjust the engine idling speed at 450 to 500 R.P.M.
2.   Loosen the lock nut and adjust the bolt in the accelerator rod lug to provide 1/8" clearance be­tween its head and the lug on the starter cross shaft. Fig 70.
Fig. 70—Adjusting Throttle Opening for Storting
This adjustment will provide sufficient throttle opening when starting the engine.
Manifold Heat Valve
Unhook the thermostatic spring from its anchor pin and check the adjustment. Proper adjustment and hook-up requires only 1/2 turn of the spring from its unhooked position to slip it over the anchor pin. Should this spring be distorted in any way it should be replaced.
Valve Adjustment
Start the engine and while it is warming up, tighten cylinder head bolts, rocker shaft support bolts and nuts and the manifold bolts and nuts. Where tension wrenches are available the cylinder head bolts should be tightened to 75 to 80 foot pounds, and the rocker shaft support bolts to 25 to 30 foot pounds.
Normalize the engine and adjust the valves according to the procedure in this section of the manual under "Valve Adjustment Procedure."
Install the rocker arm cover, using a new gasket and check for oil leaks.
Fig. 69—Passenger Car Accelerator Rod





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