Section 6 - Engine

Turn the cover right-side up and check the low position of the float by measuring from the under­side of the cover to the top of the float at the opposite end from the needle valve. This distance should be exactly 1". Adjustment may be made by bending the two stops on the float with a small pair of pliers.
Metering Rod
The metering rod, which controls the amount of gasoline passing through the jet, can be changed to meet the various climatic, gasoline or driving conditions encountered.
3.   Install metering rod gauge (part number 600996) by thread­ing it through the bowl cover and mak­ing sure that it seats in the metering rod jet. Fig. 79.
4.   Press down on the pump arm until the metering rod pivot pin rests firmly on the top of the gauge, Fig. 79. With the pump arm in this position and the throttle valve fully closed, bend the throttle connector rod at the throttle
Fig. 79—Checking Throttle Con­nector Rod with Metering Red Gauge
valve end as neces­sary so the end of
the connector rod
will enter the hole in the throttle lever freely.
5. Remove metering rod gauge, assemble meter­ing rod and install the hairpin lock on the throttle lever end of the connector rod. Turn the throttle stop screw in until the throttle just starts to open.
The following instructions cover the overhaul and repair operations for the downdraft carburetor.
1.   Remove the dust cover from the carburetor bowl.
2.   With the throttle valve in the open position, remove the stamped retainer from the pump arm end of the throttle connector rod, by pushing in on the retainer and turning it 90 degrees. Then remove the anti-rattle spring.
3.   Disconnect the metering rod spring and re­move the metering rod, taking care not to bend the rod.
4.   Remove the spring hairpin retainer from the accelerator pump connector link and remove the link.
5.   Remove the four bowl cover screws and re­move the bowl cover. Then disassemble the
float and needle valve from the cover.
6.   Remove the accelerating pump plunger, plunger spring and metering rod jet.
Fig. 78 —Checking Carburetor Float Level
These various sizes are available through the parts warehouses and are marked with their size below the eye of the metering rod.
The metering rods are marked as follows:
Standard ....................67-46
Lean ..............68-49
Whenever a new metering rod is to be installed or the old metering rod has been removed from the carburetor, the metering rod gauge should be used to check to be sure the position of the throttle valve and the metering rod are in correct relation with each other. This gauge, Part No. 600996, can be purchased from any one of Chevrolet's zone warehouses.
To properly synchronize the metering rod with the throttle valve, proceed as follows, Fig. 79.
1.   Remove the metering rod and disconnect the connector rod from the lower end or throttle lever.
2.   Back off throttle stop screw until the throttle valve is closed tightly.





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