Section 6 - Engine

cover next to the tapped passage marked "INT."
4.    Install the valve retainer with the convex side up, install the two retainer screws,
5.   Assemble the top cover assembly to the fuel pump body and tighten the cover screws alter­nately and securely.
6.   Assemble the screen on the cover and assemble the glass filter bowl to the cover, making sure the cork gasket is in good condition and that the bowl nut is tight to prevent air leaks at this point.
The air taken into the carburetor, to mix with the fuel, is thoroughly cleaned in passing through the combined air cleaner and flame arrester mounted on the top of the carburetor at the air intake, Fig. 97.
clean gasoline, and let it drain dry. The element should now be dipped in new engine oil and again drained dry, then install the cover and felt pad on the air cleaner.
Under extreme conditions where the car or truck is operating on gravel or dusty roads, the filter element must be cleaned at more frequent intervals than mentioned above.
For service and special equipment, a heavy-duty, oil bath type air cleaner is available for use
on passenger cars with-
out a governor, and on trucks with or without a governor. A cross-sec­tion of this air cleaner is shown in Fig. 98. The oil bath air cleaner
used on passenger cars
Fig. 99—Oil Bath Air Cleaner (Passenger Car with Governor)
equipped with a gover-
nor is shown in Fig. 99.
This heavy duty air cleaner is quickly inter­changed with the air cleaner used as standard equipment and will not affect the power and econ­omy in any way. Oil of not less than S.A.E. 50 viscosity MUST be used in summer and lighter grades in the winter and the level must be main­tained. One pint of oil will fill the cleaner to its proper level.
Servicing of this air cleaner is an important oper­ation and must be performed as follows:
Remove the air cleaner from the carburetor. Remove the wing nut from the top, remove the cover. Remove the filter element assembly.
CAUTION—Do not pry this part loose if it sticks. It must be removed by hand, otherwise damage to the filter element flange may result. This flange must lie flat against the body to insure a tight seat at this point to prevent air leaks when the cover is assembled.
Empty the oil out of the cleaner and clean out all oil and accumulated dirt. Wash body with clean gasoline and wipe dry. Wash filter element by slushing up and down in clean gasoline. Dry thoroughly, either with an air hose or by allowing it to stand until dry. Fill the body of the cleaner with one pint of oil of the proper viscosity.
It is not necessary to re-oil the filter element. This is done automatically when the car is driven.
Reassemble the filter element to the body of the cleaner, being sure that the flange rests flat against the top flange of the body. Reassemble the cover, making sure the gasket is clean and in good con­dition over its entire surface so a tight seat is obtained at this point. Install wing nut.
Cleaning of the air is accomplished by a pad of woven copper gauze, (filter element) through which the incoming air passes, depositing all particles of dust, dirt and grit on its oil cov­ered edges. The metallic gauze pad also quenches any flame that may be caused by backfire
Fig. 97—Passenger Car Air Cleaner
through the carburetor.
Under ordinary con­ditions, where the car or truck is driven on pave­ment or surfaced roads, the filter element of the air cleaner should be cleaned every 2,000 miles. On passenger cars it is not necessary to remove the air cleaner from the carburetor to clean it. as this element may be removed after the cover is taken from the air cleaner. To clean the element, rinse thoroughly in clean gasoline and then let it drain dry. Then dip it in new engine oil, again
drain it; then reassem-
ble the element and cover to the air cleaner.
To clean the filter ele­ment on the truck air cleaner, it is necessary to remove the air clean­er from the carburetor. Then remove the top cover and felt pad from
the air cleaner, wash the copper filter element in
Fig. 98-Heavy-Duty Oil Both Air Cleaner





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