Section 6 - Engine

Reassemble the cleaner to the carburetor. It must be put on tight and set down so the felt pad rests against the carburetor to assure a good seat at this point. Tighten clamp.
The efficient operation of the cooling system is one of the most important factors in the satisfac­tory performance of the automobile engine. The cooling system of the Chevrolet is designed with two purposes in mind; first, to carry off a certain amount of the heat created in the engine so it will not operate at too high a temperature; and sec­ond, to maintain the engine heat at the tempera­ture which will produce the most efficient and economical operation of the engine. Fig, 100 shows a cross-section view of the cooling system.
regular production thermostat may be replaced with a 166° thermostat when permanent anti­freeze is used in the cooling system; this will allow a higher water temperature and improve car heater performance.
Water Jackets
The engine has full length water jackets, this design provides uniform temperatures for the full length of the cylinder bores and results in stabiliz­ing the oil temperature at a point only 70° above the water temperature.
The use of full length cylinder block water jackets necessitates the use of two drain cocks to completely drain the entire cooling system. One of these drain cocks is located at the lower right front corner of the radiator, and the other at the rear lower left-hand side of the engine block.
Passenger Radiator Core Removal
To remove the passenger car radiator core, pro­ceed as follows:
1.   Drain the cooling system, remove the radiator drain cock and rubber hose (located at bottom right front of lower tank—reached up under front end of car) to prevent damage when lift­ing core out. Open hood and block it in the wide-open position.
2.   Disconnect upper and lower radiator hoses at radiator. Also loosen hose clamp on cylinder head outlet connection and turn hose around so end will be free of radiator. Loosen lower hose at water pump so the hose and metal elbow can be turned around to clear the radiator.
Fig. 100—Cross-Section of Cooling System
To accomplish this job the radiator must be kept free from rust and foreign matter which might tend to clog the water passages. The water pump must be leak-proof and must keep the water cir­culating in the system. The water passages in the cylinder block and cylinder head must be free from rust and corrosion so the heat may be properly dissipated. All hose connections must be in good condition and must be kept tight to prevent leaks. The cylinder head bolts must be kept tight to eliminate the possibility of strong exhaust gases entering the cooling system.
All passenger cars and trucks are equipped with 140° thermostats. These thermostats will properly control engine temperature under all conditions except when permanent anti-freeze is used. The
Fig. 101—Removing Radiator Core





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