1949 Delco Brakes Service Manual

(Courtesy of Pat Gizz)

The brake equipment is one of the most important units built into an automobile! It is designed to give a maximum of dependable service with a minimum of maintenance and repair throughout the life of the car. When properly serviced at regular intervals, it will render the owner a definite assurance of a safe smooth stop under all driving conditions whether he is slowing down at a traffic signal or meeting a sudden emergency.
Fig. 1—Complete Hydraulic Brake System (Typical)
No other part of the car is called upon more frequently in daily driving to absorb as much stress and high frictional heat as the various parts of the braking system when bringing the car to a stop. While all of the assemblies and parts are carefully designed and built to very close limits, frequent applications of brakes over a long period of time will eventually result in the natural wear of some of the working parts. Adjustments designed and built into the system by the original manufacturer will compensate for a great deal of this wear. However, after many miles of service, some parts replacements may be necessary.
In the following pages you will find a general description of the operation of the Delco Hydraulic Brake system, and detailed service instructions covering the brake assembly and its compo­nent parts.



1949 Delco Brakes INDEX


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