1949 Delco Brakes Service Manual

(Courtesy of Pat Gizz)

(C) One wheel drags. (Cont'd)
2. Brake shoe to drum clearance too small or the brake shoe eccentric is not ad­justed properly.
3. Loose wheel bearings.
4. Wheel cylinder pis­ton cups swollen and distorted or the piston stuck.
5. Obstruction in line.
6. Loose anchor pin. 7. Distorted shoe. 8. Defective lining.
2. Proceed as outlined in "Minor Adjustment"— Page 12.
3. Adjust wheel bearings.
4. Check for any effect of dirt, grit or improper or contaminated fluid in hydraulic system that would cause damage to wheel cylinder cups. See remedies Nos. 2 and 4 under trouble "B".
5. Obstruction in the line may be caused by for­eign material in the line or flattened or kinked tube. If dirt or gum is found in the line, remove the obstruction and flush the hydraulic system with Declene. If the tube is flattened or kinked, or the hose is damaged, replace the damaged parts with new factory parts.
6. Adjust and tighten lock nut. 7. Replace. 8. Replace with specified lining.
(D) Car pulls to one side.
1. Grease or fluid soaked lining.
2. Anchor pin adjust­ment not correct.
3. Loose wheel bearings, loose backing plate on rear axle or front axle or loose spring bolts.
4. Linings not of speci­fied kind or primary and secondary shoes reversed.
1. Replace with new linings according to specifi­cations. Grease or fluid soaked linings cannot be salvaged by cleaning. Correct cause of grease or fluid reaching the linings.
2. Adjust the brakes. (See "Major Adjustment".) NOTE—The anchor pin position is of great im­portance in the maintaining of equalized brakes. When the anchor pin is set so that the shoe is too close to the drum, the brake becomes severe due to heavy pressure at the anchor pin end of the secondary shoe. The anchor pin set too far in the opposite direction prevents full bearing of the secondary shoe and reduces the effective­ness of the brake.
3. Adjust the wheel bearing, tighten the backing plate on the rear and front axles and tighten spring bolts.
4. Various kinds of linings have different friction effect on the drums. Each wheel must have simi­lar linings. Use only linings as specified by car manufacturer and guard against reversing pri­mary and secondary shoes.



1949 Delco Brakes INDEX


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