Passenger Car, 1/2-Ton and 3/4-Ton Rear Axle-
SAE 90 Passenger Car Duty Hypoid
Lubricant, "All Purpose,"
or "Universal" Gear Lubricant.
steering gears, and
universal joints requiring a fluid
"All Purpose" or "Universal" Gear Lubricants
must be manufactured under
carefully controlled
conditions and the lubricant manufacturer must
be responsible for the
satisfactory performance of
his product. His reputation is
the best indication of
Rear Axle- SAE 90
Truck Duty Hypoid Lubricant, "All Purpose," or "Universal" Gear
Two-speed Rear Axle (Spiral Bevel Gear)-
SAE 90 Mineral Oil Lubricant, "All
Purpose," or "Universal"
Gear Lubricant.
NOTE—Mineral Oil
Lubricants must not be used in Hypoid rear axles. Passenger Car Duty
Hypoid Lubricant of the "Lead Soap-Active Sulphur" types must not be
used in the 1-1/2-Ton Truck Hypoid rear axle.
Passenger Car
Transmission-SAE 90 Transmission
or Mineral Oil Lubricant, "All Purpose,"
or "Universal" Gear Lubricant.
Truck Transmission; All Models-SAE 90 Transmission
or Mineral Oil Lubricant, Truck Duty
Hypoid Lubricant, "All Purpose,"
or "Universal" Gear
Passenger Car Duty Hypoid Lubricant
The type of passenger car hypoid rear axle
lubricant which has been used by
Chevrolet during the past
is satisfactory for the passenger car, the 1/2
and 3/4 ton commercial models, but cannot be
used in the 1-1/2 ton
truck models equipped with
hypoid rear axles.
These lubricants, together with other types also
satisfactory for the passenger
car hypoid axle, have
heretofore been referred to as "Hypoid Lubricants,"
but to differentiate them from the type required for the 1-1/2-ton
truck rear axle, they are now designated as "Passenger Car Duty
Hypoid Lubricants."
The SAE 90 grades of lubricant are recommended
for "year-around" service. However, when
extremely low temperatures are
encountered for long periods of time during the winter months,
SAE 80 grades may be used. An
equivalent of SAE 80 grade may be obtained by adding 10% kerosene
to the SAE 90 grade in passenger cars only.
Do not add kerosene to any truck
lubricant under any circumstances, always use the proper SAE
grade for the conditions
During the summer months, or when the
weather is extremely warm and the
truck is extremely
overloaded or subject to other severe
working conditions, a heavier
grade of lubricant, such as SAE 140, may be used in truck rear axles
and 4-speed transmissions
Truck Duty Hypoid Lubricant
This lubricant differs
from the type of hypoid lubricant in universal use during the past
years in passenger cars, in that it is compounded to provide
satisfactory lubrication at low
speed in low gear under severe operating conditions. To
differentiate this lubricant from
the types of "Passenger Car
Duty Hypoid Lubricants" that
cannot be used in the 1-1/2-ton truck hypoid rear axle models,
it is designated as "Truck Duty
Hypoid Lubricant."
NOTE-Mild types of
Extreme Pressure Lubricants employed for certain designs of spiral
bevel gear rear axles and transmissions cannot be employed for use in
hypoid rear axles.
"All Purpose" or "Universal" Gear Lubricants
Due to the increase in the number of car and
truck manufacturers using Hypoid
Rear Axles, "All Purpose"
or "Universal" Gear Lubricants
have been developed.
These lubricants can be satisfactorily used in
passenger car and truck rear
axles, transmissions,
Lubricant Additions
The lubricant level in the axle and transmission
housing should be checked
It is recommended that any additions required
to bring up the lubricant level,
be made using the same type lubricant as in the housing.