Section 7 - Transmission

2. Check the bushings for excessive wear by using a narrow feeler gauge between the shaft and the bushings. The proper clearance is from .002" to .004".
of the shaft engages the clutch housing when the transmission is installed in the chassis, and keeps the countershaft from turning. This flat must be horizontal and at the top or the trans­mission cannot be assembled to the clutch housing.
NOTE—The step at the end of the counter­shaft should be flush with the front face of the case, or approximately 1 64" below the face, to maintain proper transmission align­ment.
Rear Bearing
1.   Install the rear bearing lock ring in the case.
2.   Start the bearing in from the rear, and use the lock ring expanding tool, J-935, to expand the ring into the case.
3.   Using a soft steel drift, tap the bearing on the outer race until it is in about halfway; then remove the lock ring expanding tool and con­tinue to tap the bearing until the lock ring seats in the groove in the bearing.
Synchronizing Clutch Sleeve Assembly
1.   Install the synchronizer ring retainers in the counterbores in the ends of the clutch sleeve.
2.   With the special pliers. J-932. expand the re­tainer, at the same time holding it flush with the back face of the cone. Install the synchron­izer rings, making sure that the retainers seat in the groove all the way around the rings. Fig. S.
3.   Install the first and reverse sliding gear on the clutch sleeve.
4.    Install the second speed gear in the rear end of the clutch sleeve, meshing the clutch teeth on the gear with the internal teeth in the clutch sleeve.
5.   Coat the grooved side of the second speed gear thrustwasher with transmission lubricant and place the washer on the back face of the second-speed gear. Then install the clutch gear as­sembly in the transmission case.
1. For initial lubrication, place transmission lubri­cant on the second-speed gear bearing area of the mainshaft. When installing the mainshaft, the lugs on the front synchronizer must slide through the slots in the mainshaft spline. Push the shaft into the clutch sleeve as far as pos­sible by hand, picking up the second-speed gear and thrustwasher.
Reverse Idler
1.   Lubricate the reverse idler gear thrustwashers and install the gear and thrustwashers in the case with the gear having the chamfered teeth to the rear of the case.
2.   Install the idler shaft, making sure that the lock pin hole in the shaft lines up with the hole in the case at the same angle, Fig. 11.
CAUTION—A pin punch should be used to make sure that these holes line up, for if the lock pin is driven into the case and shaft with the hole in the shaft at the wrong angle serious damage will result.
3.   Use a new idler shaft lock pin and drive it in approximately 1/16" beyond Hush with the case, and peen the hole slightly. This lock pin must be a tight fit in the case to prevent oil leaks.
4.   Install the idler shaft expansion plug in the case.
1.   Install the countergear in the case; lubricate the forward thrust washer and install it between the countergear and case.
2.   Feed the assembly tool, K-386, in from the front, picking up the forward thrustwasher and
3.   Lubricate the rear thrustwasher and slip it between the countergear and case, picking it up with the assembly tool.
4.   Lubricate the countershaft and install it from the front, pushing the assembly tool out with the shaft. Fig. 12. The flat on the forward end
Fig. 12—Countershaft Assembly Tools





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