1949 Delco Brakes Service Manual

(Courtesy of Pat Gizz)

(F) Excessive pedal pressure re­quired to stop car.
1. Brake adjustment not correct.
2. Incorrect lining.
3. Grease or fluid soaked lining.
4. Lining not in full contact with drum.
5. Improper fluid.
1. Adjust the brakes. See Page 14. (Major Opera­tion.)
2. Install lining as specified. 3. Replace the lining after correcting cause.
4. Inspect the position of the anchor pin and cor­rect if necessary; see that shoes and drums are not bent or distorted.
5. Flush out system. Proceed as in Trouble "B", Remedy 2.
(G) Light pedal pressure— brakes too severe.
1. Brake adjustment not correct.
2. Loose backing plate on rear axle or front axle.
3. A small amount of grease or fluid on linings.
4. Charred linings or scored drums.
5. Incorrect lining. 6. Wheel bearings loose. 7. Lining loose on shoe.
8. Excessive dust and dirt in drums.
1. Adjust the brakes. See Page 14. (Major Opera­tion.)
2. Adjust front wheel bearings and tighten front backing plates. Tighten rear backing plates. Adjust the brakes. See Page 14. (Major Opera­tion.)
3. Replace the linings.
4. Sand the surfaces of the linings and drums. Re­move all particles of metal that may be found in the surfaces of the linings. Slightly scored or grooved drums do not require replacing. Re­place the drums that are severely scored. Re­place any linings that cannot be repaired.
5. Install factory specified linings. 6. Adjust wheel bearings. 7. Replace lining, or shoe and lining. 8. Clean, and sand drums and linings.
(H) Brakes squeak.
1. Backing plate bent or shoes twisted.
2. Metallic particles or dust imbedded in lining.
3. Lining rivets loose or lining not held tightly against the shoe at the ends.
1. Straighten or replace damaged parts.
2. Sand the surfaces of the linings and drums. Re­move all particles of metal that may be found in the surfaces of the linings. Slightly scored drums do not require replacing. Replace the drums that are seriously scored. Replace lin­ings if necessary.
3. Replace rivets and/or tighten lining by re-riveting.



1949 Delco Brakes INDEX


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