1954 Chevrolet Truck Shop Manual

    Page     Page  
  Description 12-7   Checks and Adjustments 12-11  
  Construction 12-8      Circuit Breaker 12-12  
     Generator 12-8      Voltage Regulator 12-13  
     Circuit Breaker 12-8      Current Regulator 12-14  
     Voltage Regulator 12-9      Battery Charging Rate 12-15  
     Current Regulator 12-9      Repairs 12-15  
  Operation 12-9         Charging Regulator Contact Points 12-15  
     Circuit Breaker 12-9         Replacing Contact Support Brackets 12-16  
     Voltage Regulator 12-9         Installing New Springs 12-16  
        Temperature Compensation 12-9         Repolarizing Generators 12-16  
     Current Regulator 12-9         Regulator Replacement 12-16  
     Resistances 12-10   Generator Overhaul 12-17  
  Quick Checks of Generating System 12-10      Removal 12-17  
  Regulator Maintenance 12-11      Disassembly 12-17  
     General Instructions 12-11      Testing Generator Parts 12-17  
           Assembly 12-20  
           Installation 12-20  



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