1929 - 1932 Chevrolet Master Parts Price List

for Six Cylinder Models

(Manual and original scans provided by Jerry Adams, Jr.)



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Ammeter 108   Heat Control Rod 111
Battery 100   Horn and Horn Button 107
Bendix Drive 103   Ignition Coil 104
Circuit Breaker 102   Instrument Carrier 108
Choke Rod 111   Lighting Switch 110
Cowl Lamp 116   Oil Pressure Gauge 108
Dash Lamp 116 116   Side Lamp 117
Dimmer Switch 114   Spark Rod 111
Distributor 104   Starter Pedal 103
Electolock 112   Starting Motor 102
Free Wheeling Control Rod 111   Starting Switch 103
Gasoline Gauge - Dash Unit 109   Tail and Stop Lamp 114
Gasoline Gauge - Tank Unit 96   Throttle Rod 111
Generator 100   Water Temperature Indicator 109
Headlamp 112   Wiring 106


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